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Mining began in Pre-History of the Human Race. Hunter Gatherers would often identify useful minerals, water sources, and even precious metals. Mined substances were often first found at land surface level; followed by digging deeper if necessary. Populations rapidly found use for such precious resources. In this sense Mining evolved as the Human Race evolved. Egyptian Calligraphy from 2,000 BC has provided written records of large scale mining.

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14y ago

Gold has been mined in some form for thousands of years. We do not know the exact date when people began collecting placer gold from stream beds, and picking apart broken rock for gold nuggets, but we know it goes back to the earliest days of civilization. Gold was used by Mesopotamians, early Egyptians, Arabs, Africans, Chinese, Indians, etc. Remember that in the story of the birth of Christ, the three Wise Men brought gifts- one of which was gold. Gold had been used as a medium of exchange (money) for thousands of years before Christ. The earliest examples of golden artifacts are about 6,000 years old.

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Where do people find gold?

In a gold mine.

What are people who find gold called?

They were called the gold minersBack then they use to go to mines and mine for gold.That is why they were named gold minersgold mines-where they mine for goldgold miners-people who mine for gold

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Why do you mine gold?

The main reason people mine gold is for its value. Gold is considered a precious metal and very valuable which is the reason it is sought throughout the world.

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a mine

Is gold common in nature?

yes gold was in certaint rocks and in the past people would gold mine

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Italy does not mine for gold of diamonds. Italy does, however, mine for gold.

Do you get paid a lot to mine?

people do get payed a lot to mine for gold, silver, tin, and copper.

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A mine that had no gold?

Well... The Lumbridge mine has no gold... The mine west of the Lumbridge mine has no gold... The mine near the Champion's guild has no gold... the mine east of the dark wizards has no gold... and I don't think the dwarven mine has any gold. I hope those are the answers your looking for =)

When did ghost towns begin to start?

They would start out by someone finding a big gold mine and everyone would rush out, (known as a gold rush) well people would need shelter so people built houses, some people made stores and restaurants and motels. Then once the gold was all gone people would leave and soon No body would live there causing it to a ghost town