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Artificial Respiration is a very specific measure when a person cannot breath or when their ability to breathe on their own is or will be compromised. I will deal first with the latter.

A person's ability to breathe on their own may be from an injury or illness, or may be planned (medical procedure) or may occur as a complication of surgery. For examples:

  • If a person's airway is compromised (ex. progressive swelling due to allergy reaction), a physician may "tube" the patient to protect the airway and prevent the swelling from closing off the airway completely. A ventilator performs the "artificial breathing".
  • When a patient is breathing ineffectively, a physician in the ER or hospital may insert a tube to protect the airway, boost O2 saturation in the blood, protect kidney perfusion, and allow toxins to clear the body (example: an overdose). Intubated and on a ventilator, the patient is in the ICU until the ventilator can be removed.
  • A person whose O2 stats dropped during surgery may be tubed and put on a ventilator.

Otherwise, many situations can affect a person''s breathing when at home or out in the community without a doctor or medical equipment nearby. As a couple examples:

  • Person has inhaled water (a near drowning). The heart is still beating, but the person is not breathing.
  • A person with Asthma suddenly cannot breathe, turns blue, and collapses. The heart continues, but the person is not getting any O2.
  • The person has thrown a blood clot (a thombus, blood clot, has turned into an embolism, a blood clot traveling through the bloodstream), causing a heart attack. Both respirations and heart beat has stopped.

The problem with respiratory arrest is that it can very quickly lead to cardiac arrest, too. So a Samaritan helping the person should be prepared to lose both.

Samaritans should not try to do artificial respirations when a person is still breathing, which includes:

  1. audible wheezing - air is still moving
  2. coughing - air is still moving
  3. when a person can still talk - they must be breathing to talk
  4. when a person complains of shortness of breath (SOB) - they are still breathing

NOTE 1: Choking is a separate issue. A rescuer or Samaritan must deal with the obstruction FIRST, then do artificial respirations IF the person does not automatically start breathing.

NOTE 2: Collapsing does NOT automatically mean to start CPR. The person may have just fainted.

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a person needs artificial respiration when he or she need more oxygen

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12y ago

A person needs artificial respiration when they can't breath or when they suffer from breathing problem

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Why does a person need to be kept in artificial respiration permanently?

blood flow to the heart

From where can the person get supply of oxygen for artificial respiration?

A person can get the supply of oxygen for artificial respiration from the cylinders attached to the machines.

Where person get oxygen for artificial respiration?

an PERSON GETS ARTIFICIAL OXYGEN FROM THE CYLINDER that are attached to the hospitals.

What artificial respiration is?

Artificial Respiration is a device or machine that allows a patient or person needing assistance for breathing Breath. This machine acts as the lungs of the person where oxygen can go in and out sustaining life in the body.

Is artificial respiration temporary or permanent?

Artificial respiration is temporary, as it involves providing mechanical assistance to a person's breathing when they are unable to do so on their own. It is used to sustain life until the person can breathe independently or receive more advanced medical treatment.

When was artificial respiration invented?

when was artificial respiration invented

Does the person need to be kept on artificial respiration temporarily or permenently?

Yes, the person can be kept in artificialrespiration temporarily or permanently. 1:in a hospital a person is given artificial supply of oxygen ,when he is in coma, as long as he can survive under such condition . 2:and for example when a person drowns ,he or she is given artificialrespiration.

If you give artificial respiration to a person who needs oxygen aren't you giving him carbon dioxide?

When giving artificial respiration, you are helping to provide the person with the oxygen they need to breathe, but you are not giving them carbon dioxide. The person exhales carbon dioxide naturally as part of the respiration process, and providing artificial respiration helps maintain their oxygen levels while allowing them to get rid of excess carbon dioxide.

What does a person need for respiration to happen?

a person needs oxygen and glucose for respiration

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What is colloquial term for artificial respiration?

The colloquial term for artificial respiration is "the kiss of life". Also, CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resucitation ( Resusitation).

What is the Colloquial term for artificial respiration?

The colloquial term for artificial respiration is "the kiss of life". Also, CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resucitation ( Resusitation).