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When a female is large and fully grown, she cannot be bred with small males as they will be unable to wrap her properly and the eggs might not be fertilised. Large, fully grown males should not be combined with very small females as they could hurt them. But as long as the two partners are not wildly different in size, there is no definite age. When a female no longer eggs up under conditioning and does not produce as many fertile eggs (lower hatch rate) or show interest in males it's probably time to retire her. When males do not show interest in females, do not build good nests or are no longer supple enough to wrap a female properly, it might be best to end their breeding careers as well.

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when full grown.

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Q: When is a betta fish to old to breed?
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Can Commit fish breed with Betta fish?

No, Betta fish are aggressive toward any other fish they see. They cannot mate.

Can you breed any other fish with a female betta fish?

The simple answer is no.

How old do betta fish have to be to breed them?

3-4 months. And they usually stop spawning at a little over a year.

Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

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This is not a Betta question so it belongs elsewhere.

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Both "Albino" and "Pied" are simply variants in color of a species. As long as the Betta fish you want to breed share the same genus, they can breed.... if i need to make that clearer, YES they can breed. :)

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by same i think you mean color, which in case is no, they can be different colors and breed.

Can a male betta fish breed without female?

No. You need one of each.

Is a fish a producer?

A Betta splendens produces more Betta splendens if allowed to breed and produce more Betta splendens and so could be regarded as a "producer".

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?betta fish are easy to breed you just let them ... then 300 or 150 babies

Can you breed fighter fish in an nonaerated unheated tank?

maybe if you have a warm house. but if you plan on breeding Betta fish in under 70 degree water, let alone housing them, your betta fish will probably die.

If a betta fish is 2 years old in human years how old is it in fish years?

A betta normally only lives 2-3 years, so it would be around 70 years old in "betta years".