

When is friction desirable?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Friction is desirable on your tyres and brakes.

Tyres need to grip the road, to push the car forward, stop and go round corners.

Brakes need friction to stop the wheels turning.

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Q: When is friction desirable?
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When may friction be desirable in engineering?

the brakes of you car are helped by friction.

When is friction desirable and undesirable in rugby?

Desirable in scrummaging when the two packs form together. Without friction they would slip off which is dangerous. Friction is also desirable when making the tackle. And when sidestepping you need good grip. Undesireable when trying to evade the tackle.

What is the example effect of desirable friction?

Very simply, desirable friction can be found on cars. Brakes are a good example. Another one is when you rub your hands together to produce heat. Striking a match is another and also uses a chemical reaction to produce a flame. All friction produces heat and many hundreds of uses have been found to utilise this heat.

What are the examples when friction is desirable?

When you are walking, when you are trying to stop your car, and lighting a match.

When can you say that friction is desirable?

say in die key nan thought ni one

Is frictional force desirable?

Yes it is desirable to some extent. For sure aeroplanes can't fly without moving on the ground (Frictional Force). Even a ship cannot move without friction. For erasing a mistake, the rubber has to show friction with the paper. But due to friction, there is a huge amount of energy is wasted. One way to discriminate it is: People can get injured themselves if they rub their hands hard on floors or sharp items.

Why is friction useful when using machines?

Just think if friction could not be obtained; your alternator would not charge the battery because the belt slips on the pulley. A car with a clutch would not move because the clutch slips. Friction is advantageous and desirable for some things and not for others. If we could eliminate friction, you would not need much gas to propel your car down the road. If you could not achieve friction with your lover, you would not achieve orgasm.

Recognize the desirable and undesirable effects of friction?

Desirable: Stopping before hitting the car in front of you. Things stay in place during gentle breezes. Makes panning for gold possible. Keeps systems from oscillating out of control. Allows for climbing mountains. Allows for formation of stars and planets. Undesirable: Increases the amount of energy necessary to do any job.

Why is it vital to have the wheels on a roller coaster to have low friction?

Low friction is very desirable for something such as a roller coaster car, that is intended to move very fast. Friction would slow it down, and would also generate a lot of heat, which might become so extreme as to start a fire. Wheels are not really the only option for friction reduction. For example, magnetic levitation gives even lower friction than wheels do. But it's too expensive a technique to use for a roller coaster.

Where does the friction need to be small on a hinge?

The friction on a hinge needs to be small at the pivot point where the hinge rotates. This allows smooth movement and prevents the hinge from sticking or getting stuck. However, in other parts of the hinge, such as the pins or brackets, a small amount of friction may be desirable to provide stability and prevent excessive movement.

How do you spell desirable?


What is the most desirable classic Chevelle car?

they are all desirable but the SS is the most desirable