

When is the best time to apply lime on the soil?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: When is the best time to apply lime on the soil?
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Do you fertilize before putting lime on?

This depends on the PH (acidity-alkalinity of your soil), the lime may not be required.There will be some lime in the fertilizer but,if, after a soil test, lime is required, it can be applied at the same time as the fertilizer.

How much lime per acre of lawn?

First you need to determine if your lawn needs lime. Lime will increase the alkalinity of the soil. You want a fairly neutral soil for lawns. That is not too acidic or too alkaline. You need to determine the pH of your soil to learn the amount of lime that will provide the desired result. A soil test with recommendations specific to correcting pH can be obtained from your local county extension service. If your question has more to do conversions there are 43,560 square foot per acre.

What does lime do for your lawn?

Lime makes your lawn look really green. --------- Lime raises the Ph level of the soil. Most lawn grass species desire a Ph level of 6.5 to 7.

How do you overcome acidic soil?

Get a pH soil kit. Add lime or dolomite in stages. Your goal is to get the pH above 6.5, but this process is slow since it takes time for the pH to stabilize at the higher level. Results may take a season or two of growing depending on how much of an adjustment is needed.

When is best time to spread lime in Oklahoma under large trees?

should I spread lime and fertilizer at same time under large trees

What type of soil is best for controlling erosion on embankments?

Soil with some time of grass on it.

How and when do you apply compost to the soil?

In colder climates that only have one growing season, you apply compost only once a year to your garden. In the fall time, after your growing season has finished, you would mix the compost into the soil in your garden, allowing it to decompose further through the winter. This will give you a garden bed of nutrient rich soil come spring time. In warmer climates that effectively have 2 growing seasons, or grow year around, you would apply compost to the soil in the fall and in the spring before planting your next round of plants. You can also add compost to the soil during the heat of the summer when nothing is growing, to help reduce erosion, maintain moisture, and to help combat weeds. For best results, apply compost by digging and turning a foot deep of soil and then folding the compost into the loose soil.

How often do I put lime on grass?

lol idk check it up !!!AnswerThis depends on the PH of the soil in your lawn area.In the northwest the soils tend to be acidic. Most of the time, you want lawns soil to be between. 6.5 and 7.5. If it is acidic, you want to add lime. Also adding lime to your grass is a good way to prevent moss.

When is the best time to collect soil sample?

Samples for what? If you are sampling for the basic test that most extension offices perform, it doesn't matter.

What is qwick lime?

Quick lime is lime stone which has been burned at around 825 DegC for a period of time until the Carbon has been driven off and thus the calcium carbonate become calcium oxide, you buy it, add it to water then you can build with it, it's also used to neutralise an acidic soil in farming.

When is the best time to drink lime water?

whenever yu feel like it ofcourse (y) drink it now

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March - July is the best time