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The only thing that i can think of there is that, even though you are gaining muscle you may not be loosing some fat! the body is a machine and it doesn't know that you have a job and a way to get it food so if you go thru a lifestyle change and start gaining muscle from working out, your body might also hord some fat and store it to work off of later on. It likes to be safe.

Added comment: If your fat wasn't evenly spread, you may only have needed larger sizes for certain spots - such as waist or hips. If you're adding muscle onto an area that you don't tend to store fat on, that area will be getting bigger. For example, arm exercises could be increasing your shoulder width, if you have relatively skinny shoulders, meanwhile your belly might be getting smaller.

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Q: When losing weight and gaining muscle why would clothes fit tighter?
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Why are my clothes loser but I weight the same?

You could be losing fat but gaining muscle. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and that muscle generally shows up in OTHER areas. Just remain healthy. What you weigh is far less important than your BMI.

What is the best method to losing weight and gaining muscle?

move more and eat less

How is body weight misleading when talking about fitness?

You can be losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, bringing your weight up. This is not necessarily bad at all. You may be getting quite a bit healthier losing the less dense fat and gaining healthy, toned muscle.

How do you build lean muscle with out losing weight?

Protein is an important factor in gaining muscle. Eating more protein and drinking protein shakes will help you build lean muscle without losing weight. It is also important to be consistant with the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do.

What is gaining muscle mass?

Gaining muscle mass is gaining size, as opposed to strength, in the muscles.

If you are gaining weight but losing fat is that ok?

Yes. If you are working out and gaining muscle tone, then it is reasonable that you may gain a little weight (a few pounds) or not lose as much weight as you normally would have if you were just losing "fat" weight. It is good that you are losing fat! In addition, you may be putting on some water weight as your body adjusts. This will go away completely within a few weeks or so. If this is not the case, and you are losing "fat" but still gaining weight, you may want to see a nutritionist or doctor to find out why that would be happening. Absent of that, there is nothing wrong with gaining a few pounds of muscle as you lose fat.

Why does pulling a muscle represent contraction?

Contraction is the process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter, so if a muscle is pulled, it has become shorter and tighter. Hope this helped!

I started to do exercise at the gym around 6 hours a week but I didn't lose any weight why?

You're gaining muscle! It's more dense than fat and retains more water. This means that you are gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time.

Why are your clothes loser when the scale says you are gaining weight?

You could be gaining muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat and take up less space than fat. That's what is going on with me i recently started working out and i was a 100 pounds and gained 16.

How do you know when your losing weight?

Apart from reading the scale, there will be plenty of signs that if you are losing weight. Your clothes may feel looser, your appetite may have changed, and your friends may compliment you on your weight loss. Sometimes looking at the scale can be misleading. If you're working out, you're gaining muscle. You be be losing fat, but because muscle weighs more, you might not notice a change on the scale (or you may see that you've gained weight instead of losing it). One way to calculate whether or not you are losing the weight is to measure your abdomen, arms, waist, and legs with a tape measure. Record the numbers every week or so and see if there is any change.

What is muscle gain?

Gaining muscle mass is gaining size, as opposed to strength, in the muscles.

How do you gain muscle the quickest?

Your muscles are always there, so theirs no gaining or losing. Exercise daily, and eat healthy meals. Try not to eat after 8pm.