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In my own personal experience, it was quite the opposite. I was abused by my ex because he wanted to keep me around. He felt that if he abused me, he could control me. He could make me feel helpless, worthless and, eventually, dependent on him. In my case, my ex's abuse was fueled by his insecurity and fear that I would leave him. And every time I tried to leave him, the abuse got worse. That's not to say that some abusers don't strike out physically as a defense mechanism, sort of like putting up a wall so that his partner won't feel close to him or dependent on him and would eventually leave him. This type of abuse, if it exists, would simply be a way of subconsciously pushing his partner away from himself. Either way, no matter what the cause of the abuse, it should not be tolerated.

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Q: When men abuse their partner do they do it so their partner will leave the relationship?
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No if yhu get a restraininq order or if you let the abuse keep qoinq on....look up an abuse hotline .!

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It is highly unlikely that man who does not have an abusive personality will become an abuser if their partner grew up in an abusive home and refuses help. Good men know they should never hit a woman which in some cases can lead to male abuse by a woman. The stress of being around an abusive person be it verbally or physical abuse is bound to have effects on the non abusive partner, but most men will only take so much and have the opportunity of leaving the relationship.

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Many men in abusive relationships, are the instigators. They like to pick fights, they will keep "poking" at you till you snap and get mad at you and then blame you for the fight. This victim blaming keeps wives in the marriage. If you are being abused it is not your fault and you need to leave the relationship.

How common is abuse in relationships?

This is hard to answer because many people do not bother to report the abuse to authorities, for many reasons. To give you an idea of the size of the problem, 30% of women are murdered by their partner or ex partner. Men get killed too but The Washington City Paper had this to say:"Domestic violence kills in many ways. When it comes to male deaths by domestic violence, men are more likely to be killed as a result of attempting to murder their own partners than as a result of their partner's aggression. Men who are victims of domestic violence are almost as likely to be killed by a partner's ex than by their partners themselves."The moral is leave sooner rather than later. Someone who yells at you or hits you cannot be "fixed". Also check out the history of the person you are interested in dating.

Why do men abuse the parner they were once with but dont ever abuse there new parners?

they usually will abuse their next partner if the wrong buttons are pushed. the new partner could be covering up the abuse due to fear or embarrassment. in rare cases the abuser could be truly remorseful and seek help. good luck, and remember violence is never acceptable. Adding further you are yet to see the minus points/conflict of interest in the new partner. Closer u r the more u see. Any way abuse is not justified whjihc maybe due to inheritance.

Do abusive men ever leave their partners or is it a test to see if you will call them?

Usually abusive men are in love with the control they have over their partners. They will do various things to keep the abuse going which includes leaving their partner, holding back on affection, etc. They will do ANYTHING to keep that control. So no it's not a test to see if they can get you to call them, it's a way of keeping control over their partner to break them down emotionally. Everything that is done is intentional & the abuser will get upset when they are not getting the results they are wanting and the abuse will usually escalate from there. It's a cycle and the only person that can end it is the victim. When you're in an abusive relationship it is hard to break free but know that you are putting your life at risk by continuing to stay in this situation. Good luck & God Bless!

Do abusive men always emotionally abuse their partner or is there a girl for whom they will change?

A person's pattern of abuse is less dependent upon the person they are in a relationship with and more dependent on them self. The solution closest to what you are asking about is a person who can help promote a desire for the abuser to change themselves, but this requires that they want to change. In short you can do nothing unless everyone is committed to change. Often professional help such as consoling may be required.

Why do women cheat so much?

Men cheat just as much as women; it's nearly impossible to find out how many of each gender has been unfaithful, but we do know why people of both genders cheat on their partners. People cheat because they aren't happy in their relationship, they are missing sexual or emotional satisfaction from their partner, or they feel that they could do better. People also cheat because their partner may be putting them or other people in danger; this includes physical/emotional/verbal abuse, using illegal drugs, substance abuse (overdosing with medication), alcohol abuse, having mental problems, or committing crimes/felonies. There are instances, however, when the person who is cheated on has no ill qualities, yet their partner cheats on them anyway. Some people also cheat because they aren't sure their relationship is going well, so they look for other potential partners to fall back on to when they decide to end their current relationship.

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