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when lungs inhale oxygen what does it exhale as waste

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Q: When the lungs inhale oxygen what doesit exhale as waste?
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When lungs inhale oxygen what does it exhale as waste?

when lungs inhale oxygen what doesit exhale as waste

How can you breathe through your mouths and nose?

Your lungs circulate oxygen every time you inhale and exhale. They travel through your body when you inhale to the lungs and the lungs store the oxygen, and as you exhale, carbon dioxide from the air is released.

What is the of air into and out of your lungs?

oxygen goes into your lungs and then co2 comes out when mixed with a substance in your lungs.

When the lungs inhale oxygen what does it exhale as a waste?

The lungs largely exhale carbon dioxide and water vapor along with the non-oxygen components of the air taken in (such as nitrogen).

How do alligators obtain oxygen?

Alligators are air breathers. They inhale and exhale through their nostrils. Their lungs absorb oxygen from the air that they inhale.

Like a double action balloon pump birds take oxygen into the lungs when they both what an Exhale?

Inhale and exhale.

How do inhale and exhale?

with your lungs

What gas do we inhale?

We normally inhale 'air' which is mostly nitrogen (approx. 78%), oxygen, (approx. 21%) a little argon and other trace gasses, the lungs extract the oxygen which the body needs and we exhale the rest with a little waste carbon dioxide which was removed from the body by the lungs.

Where does blood get a new suppy of oxygen?

From the lungs. In the lungs of animals, humans included, there is an interchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide. So we inhale oxygen(air) and exhale carbon dioxide.

Do inhale or exhale when the gases inside the lungs are pushed out through air passages?

You exhale because you're body is getting rid of the gases so the oxygen can come into your lungs.

What is the air chambers inside an animals body where blood get oxygen and give off carbon dioxide?

It is the lungs. it is there it is simple. when one breathes you inhale oxygen when you exhale you exhale carbon dioxide

What are two requirements for respiration?

Oxygen , carbon dioxide and a pair of lungs. Animals inhale Oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, through the lungs. Plants inhale carbon dioxide amd exhale oxygen, by photosynthesis. The carbon component of CO2 forms part of the biomass of the plant'.