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Yes, it is a bad thing. But I know how you feel, because I too was starting to act my abusive ex boyfriend. I started disliking myself and family and friends were telling me how they didn't like the person I was becoming. I was especially started emulating his behaviors toward him.

Yes it is bad. I try not to take on the behavior that my husband has, but sometimes I catch myself doing the silent treatment, detachment, and just plain not caring. When I catch myself doing this, i remind myself not to stoop to his level. Take the high road..always

as one of many poster girls for this, i wish you well and hope that you get away before there's further damage. i tried to stay with mine (for various complicated reasons) and work through things, believing in his "good" side. i had no idea then what these people are capable of. what ended up happening is that he almost destroyed me, and i got to the point where (there were other stressors) it's taken me years to recover, and I'm still not comfortable or back on track yet.

they will take everything, everything, and not acknowledge what they've done, apologize, or make reparation. i mean they will take everything spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically, and not notice, or care, or help; they'll even find your pain funny.

my advice is to run while you still can.

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Q: When the victim shows signs of becoming the personality of the abuser is that a bad thing?
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Talk shows aren't the best place to discuss your abuser. Some talk shows will provide you with a bodyguard while at the show and perhaps escorted back to where you are staying, but after that, it's no longer their responsibility. If you want a bodyguard service you will have to look them up on the website in your area, or, look them up in the yellow pages of your phone book. If you really want some help with the abusive situation you are in then contact your local "Abused Women's Center" and they will help lead you in the right direction. They will put you into a "safe house" (aka: Transition House.) Good luck Marcy

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