

Best Answer

While Asthma-like symptoms were described as far back as ancient Egypt around 1500 B.C., asthma was first defined as a term around 400 B.C. by the Hippocratic authors of Con, ancient Greece. Some authors give full credit for defining the term asthma for the medical community to Hippocrates, although most experts now believe there were many authors. He did not define asthma the way we do today. Instead, he defined it as a symptoms of shortness of breath. Gradually, since that time, asthma was slowly morphed into what it is today, with all the other ailments that cause shortness of breath (kidneys, heart, common cold, croup, etc.) being extricated from the rubric term asthma to become disease entities of their own. Asthma was proven to be a disease of spasms of the lungs by Charles J. B. Williams in 1840, with various physicians over the next 100 years confirming this theory. It wasn't until the 1990s that asthma was found to be a disease of chronic inflammation of the air passages.

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Q: When was asthma first discovered?
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Do first aid kits have asthma pumps?

First aid kits don't have asthma pumps.

How do you prevent children from getting asthma?

Children can prevent getting asthma by drinking plenty of apple juice. British scientists have discovered that if a child drink plenty of apple juice it can prevent a him/her from getting asthma. Until the exact cause of asthma is discovered, there can be no cure or method of prevention. There are probably some studies that show certain things that are linked to asthma or to the lack of instances of asthma, but they don't prove that asthma is prevented or cured by them, only that there seems to be some relation between asthma and certain other things. Those relationships could just as easily be coincidences as anything else, so they just mean that they warrant further studies.

When was asthma first found?


When did someone die from asthma?

It is not possible to know who was first diagnosed with Asthma as there was no record of the person's name or identity. Asthma was first officially recorded as a medical condition or problem in 450BC by Hippocrates in Greece.

Asthma how to cure by means of herbal?

I had asthma for more that 40 years before I discovered certain herbs that helped me rid myself of the death defying disease, and I accomplished this in 30 days just with herbs...

Who was the first person to be diagnosed with asthma?

my girl friend

Where did asthma come from?

The likenesses of asthma first reared its head in Homers poem the Iliad in around 450 B.C. Asthma is a Greek based word that basically means "to pant". It wasn't until 150 B.C. though that asthma had been found by a connection in bronchial obstructions by a Greco-Roman Physician named Galen.

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No, The First Metal To Be Discovered Was GOLD. No, The First Metal To Be Discovered Was GOLD.

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it was first discovered 1888

In which day is world asthma day?

On the first Tuesday of May

Can you have an asthma attack caused from excitement or from getting scared?

Yes you can. The adrenaline rush can bring on an asthma attack if you are prone to asthma and not taking your meds properly. My sister had her first asthma attack at 34 when under a great deal of stress, and she had to be hospitalised it was so severe.

When was Asthma found?

This disease was first describe by Areteus of Capadocia in ancient Greece. The name asthma ,comes from the greek word meaning "a panting".