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The Tower of Babel has different years it is given. Because the Great Pyramid shaft aims at Thuban in 2170bc many claimed that the Babylon that exists in Egypt is the one Nimrod lived at to build the Great Pyramid. Josephus gives Abram a birth of 2169bc by associating him with it, and his grandson Jacob Israel with Marduk Street of 2009bc. The Tower in Babylon Mesopotamia existed in 2009bc because Marduk Street is aimed at the Tower, not at Marduk Temple.

If you are at the gate, you see the tower over the Marduk temple courtyard wall, and if you are on the Tower you see down the street out the gate. Thus the argument is between Jan 6 sunset solstice and July 10 sunrise solstice. But the argument also includes Thoth 1 which was Jan 8 in 2009bc, and Jan 7 the next 2 years. Likewise, Pamenot (Egyptian July 6 or Persian July 11). I find it to be Noah's 360-day new year (966) on July 8.

Babel was built in 2240bc on Nov 18, it is 130 years of Mars in a span of 128 years (10x 13 year Mars = 13 decades) from 2368bc Oct 1, Noah's 360-day calendar year 602 to year 732.

It cannot be said that the tower was first to be built on that date in 2240bc, yet often they later became the first foundation of any city. Just as in America building the stone or brick church was first.

Affiliations with the tower is the kingship of Babylon which began in 1894bc. This is 476 years after the Flood (2370bc). However, it can be a lunar 475 years as in 19x 25 year egyptian (304m each), or 25x 19 year (235m each). Christian Hippolytus uses these 476 years as Flood 3258bc to calendar 2782bc July 20 Thoth 1. The reason is because the Great Pyramid shaft cannot keep a star in precession for 100 years as expected. it failed in 92 years three times. Ground chamber 2170-2078bc... and Ur then boasted 3600 new moons in 291 years (2369-2078bc, Flood to birth of Haran). then 2nd chamber mislabeled as Queens is 92 years 2078-1986bc, it failed so the Pharaoh let the 11th dynasty kings in, and the leader decided to take full power by noting Saturn orbited 13 times since the Flood. Thus the reborn Pharaoh celebrated the reborn Saturn in Capricorn of 1986bc and the dynasty ruled 43 years. Then the 3rd chamber failed in 1894bc and the Great Pyramid got the label as the tower of Babel because 1894bc is Babylon's first king. It had no sole king from 2240-1894bc.

And Nimrod had moved to Egypt after building Nineveh in 2060bc. It was built after Marduk Temple in Babel whose Marduk calendar of 52 years was procalimed in 2009bc.

Thos who said the Great Pyramid was the tower of Babel built 300 years before the Flood developed from those who said the Pyramid survived the Flood (Hippolytus 3258bc) while Greeks said the Flood did not come until 2958bc because they use Kayak 25 as Dec 25. Truth is the reason the pyramid has perfect stones is because the outside granite was removed to build Cairo when Moslems said the year 6000 had arrived in 622AD so that t he tower was no longer needed to predict the end. When it was removed, it uncovered the ingenius method to build the inside with limestone so that the cracks melt together with water. This is why they look as to be cut perfect. BUT truth is that when the continents were baptized in ocean salt water, the limestone would have dissolved, and so when Armageddon sinks us again, they will not survive it. Peleg Mesanipada (Huang Di) founded the city of Ur with his own tower in 2239bc because he disagreed with the observation of the sun as a day or a year with Narmer (Nimrod). The first human king of the world was his son Reu Aanipada (Reu The Great = Yu The Great) who was anointed in 2207bc on Feb 28 to rule the new year 765 on May 29. His rule was 80 years. He lived another 97 years to see his father Peleg die which ended Ur's kings, but this sudden cut off of 700 years to longevity also ended all kings everywhere, and the kings are labeled as monkeys. Sar is a calendar (ruler or Leader) and has come to mean king of kings or emperor, while in the Japanese calendar and Mayan tradition it means monkeys becaus ethe kings scattered in fear and confusion like monkeys. Peleg died in the year of the sheep (innocent deaths regarded as taken by God via fast aging), and the 360-day new year begins Nov 1 ALL SAINTS YEAR as it also returns for Babylon in 1894bc as Nov 2 all souls day.

137 Julian = 139x 360 days from Noah's 944 to 1083.

The 83-year Jupiter Marduk is not the same armageddon countdown as the 52-year Mars calendar. Obama is about to be told by God thru world astronomers the day and hour the asteroid will strike... your beliefs and insane behavior will be the greater armageddon than the impact which has only one way of surviving and it isnt die and go to heaven.

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Q: When was the Tower of Babel built?
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Does babel tower still exist?

I doubt it because of the great flood that occurred during the time of Noah, but it's possible that there might be something left in whatever area the tower of babel may be at. I myself am curious to know if anything from the Garden of Eden still remains. It was built after the flood!

What story explains why there are different languages in old testament?

The tower of Babel. Genesis 11:1-9.

How many generations are there between Noah and his sons and the tower of Babel?

Really what your probably interested in is the generations in the Jewish line, right? Most of these other guys go off to form their own nations. Many associate Japheth's europeans, Ham's with Asian and African peoples, and Shem with Middle easterners. So we'll follow Shem in Gen 10. 1. Shem 2. Arpachshad. 3. Shelah 4. Eber (Where we get "Hebrew") 5. Joktan 6. (who has 13 boys). It is at this point that it switches into the story of the tower of babel. The rest of Gen. 11 looks at the geneology of Shem too except this time it follows the other son of Eber: Peleg. This might be because Joktan's kids played a big part in the tower. It mentions that they are living in the east and the plain of shinar where the tower of babel was is in the east. Who knows? But to answer your original question, my best guess is 6 generations between Noah and the tower of Babel.

Is Abraham a decendant of ham?

Nah, Abraham is a decendant of Shem. You can follow his bloodline in Genesis 11 after the tower of Babel story (obviously Abraham is still called Abram here).

What building was mentioned in the Bible that was supposed to reach heaven?

In the old testament book of Genesis, chapter 11 you can read about the Tower of Babel. The people that lived then wanted to build a tower that would reach to the heavens. They wanted to make a name for themselves. Everyone spoke the same language and they had the ability to build a great tower and God knew that if he made them all speak different languages, they would not be able to communicate and build the tower.

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Were was the tower of Babel built?

In Babel next to the Kings palace.

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Where was tower of babel built?

The Tower of Babel was built in Shinar on the plains. This is described as somewhere in the area of Mesopotamia, but no one actually knows exactly where.

Where was the Tower of Babel built?

The Tower of Babel was built in Shinar on the plains. This is described as somewhere in the area of Mesopotamia, but no one actually knows exactly where.

Why was tower of babel built?

a man named Nimrod, Noah's grandson, built the tower of babel to show everyone in the world that he was the greatest and mightiest person in the world.

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Is the tower of babel and tower of mosque one in the same?

No, the Tower of Babel and the Mosque Tower are different structures. The Tower of Babel is a biblical story about a tower built to reach the heavens, while a Mosque Tower is a minaret attached to a mosque where the call to prayer is made.

Why was the tower of babel built?

The Tower of Babel was built because the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japeth wanted to make a name for themselves. They also didn't want to be split apart into the world

Why was the tower of babel to be built?

the people who lived there tried to build a tower high enough to get to heavan

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What was the name of the tower which people built to try and reach up to heaven?

Tower of Babel in the city of Babylon

Does the tower of babel refer to the city of Jerusalem?

No, the Tower of Babel story is about a tower built in Babylon to reach the heavens. Jerusalem is a different city with its own historical and religious significance in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.