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That depends on one's definition of "Divine Inspiration" and some people would say "yes, God told the authors which exact words to write".

However to me that would be "Divine Dictation" not "Divine Inspiration". I believe that God gave them the information he wanted said, but left it to the author's own free will and education to select the actual way to say it and the words to use. One of the most important things about us Humans to God is the free will he created us with, he will never take it from us and he wants us to use it to the best of our abilities!

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Q: When we say that the books of the Bible were written by Divine Inspiration does that mean that God told the authors which exact words to write?
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It could refer to a number of things including; inspiration from the bible, a sudden sense of realisation or God given inspiration.

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Canonicity means that a book belongs in the Bible. Inspiration is what the author had when a book of the Bible was written.

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it means that the human authors of the bible under the inspiration of the holy spirit interpreted events and people

What is verbal theory of inspiration?

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