

Where are the spiracles on an ant?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Where are the spiracles on an ant?
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How do ants breath?

ants breath through their spiracles which are found on the abdomen of the ant

Why can't you drown an ant by dunking its head in the water?

Ants breathe through their spiracles. These line the side of the thorax, which is the end most/distal body part.

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Is an ant a chordate or mollusk?

An ant is not a mollusk. An ant is an insect. The two are quite different. Ants have six legs and are divided into segments. They have two compound eyes. They breathe by spiracles.

Why do insects have spiracles?

it have spiracles so it can breathe. like a boss

What is an example of an organism with spiracles?

spiracles are the breathing apparatus of insects.

Why does soap relieve the pain of an ant sting?

Because the fluids that the ant uses to sting you is an acid and soap is a base so they neatralise each other and that stops the pain for a while.

What is the job of the spiracles on an insect?

The insect uses its spiracles to breathe through instead of their mouth.

Do stick insects have spiracles?

All insects have spiracles. This is how they breathe because they do not have lungs like vertebrates do!

How many spiracles does a butterfly have?

Butterflies have nine pairs of spiracles. These are pores open to the air and tracheae which carry air through the body of an insect. Spiracles are located on the abdomen and thorax.

Where are the spiracles located on a dragonfly?

Spiracles are used by grasshoppers for respiration. Air is taken in throught the spiracles and filtered by hairs in tubes called tracheae. The trachea branch out through the body eventually ending in Tracheoles where the oxygen is distributed to cells and carbon dioxide is taken out and back throught the trachea and exits the body through the spiracles

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