

Best Answer

Look in:

Any chemistry lab. manual,

Check with your local library,

Book stores (especially used book stores),

Thrift stores,

University, college, community college libraries and chemistry dept. offices,

Invest in a chemistry set.

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13y ago
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2w ago

Some popular chemistry projects include investigating the effects of pH on plant growth, exploring fluorescent properties of common materials, studying oxidation reactions using household items, and creating homemade lava lamps. These projects are engaging and educational, allowing students to apply principles of chemistry in a hands-on way.

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11y ago

- inorganic chemistry

- organic chemistry

- electrochemistry

- radiochemistry

- photochemistry

- nuclear chemistry

- biochemistry

- agrochemistry

- foods chemistry

- polymer chemistry

- cosmochemistry

- clinical chemistry


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10y ago

There are many places where one can learn about conducting chemistry experiments. One who wants to learn about conducting chemistry experiments should visit on the web sources such as True Activists, RSC, and Neatorama.

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10y ago

One of the easiest and best chemistry projects is putting Mentos in a Diet Coke bottle to cause a reaction. Similarly, baking soda and vinegar will have a reaction. In addition to this, adding colorants to a fire will create a colored flame. For example, sodium will turn a flame yellow, and potassium chloride will turn the flame purple.

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9y ago

Most of the really fun chemistry experiments are either dangerous or expensive. An experiment that is both safe and inexpensive is reacting hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore with potassium iodide, which they also sell at the drugstore.

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14y ago

Physics: The decomposition of sunlight by Isaac newton.

Chemistry:The discovery of oxygen by Joseph Priestly

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12y ago

rose lotion it could be ur ip or a slime u just need to find its materials in internet that's some title that i know

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6y ago

Thousands of good chemistry labratories exist around the world.

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6y ago

Examples: sodium nitrate, copper sulfate, nitrous oxide.

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Q: What are some of the best chemistry projects?
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What are good chemistry projects?

Some good chemistry projects include studying the effects of different variables on chemical reactions, examining the properties of different materials, investigating the principles of chromatography, and exploring the applications of electrochemistry. These projects can provide hands-on experience and deepen understanding of key chemical concepts.

Do you need pre-calculus for Chemistry?

Pre-calculus is not typically required for introductory chemistry courses. However, some higher level chemistry courses may involve mathematical concepts that are covered in pre-calculus, such as algebra and trigonometry. It's always best to check the specific requirements of the chemistry course you plan to take.

Which is the best topic for chemistry project of class 12?

The best topic for a chemistry project in class 12 would depend on your interests and the resources available to you. Some popular topics include investigating the effects of pH on plant growth, studying the kinetics of a chemical reaction, or exploring the properties of different types of fuels. Ultimately, choose a topic that you find engaging and that allows you to apply key chemistry concepts.

Who is the pioneer of the use of scientific method in chemistry that is considered the founder of modern chemistry. he is best known for the discovery of a law that helps to explain characteristics?

Robert Boyle

What are specialised branches of chemistry?

Specialized branches of chemistry include biochemistry (study of chemical processes in living organisms), analytical chemistry (identification and quantification of substances), physical chemistry (study of how matter behaves on a molecular and atomic level), and environmental chemistry (study of chemical interactions in the environment).

Related questions

What are some ideas for chemistry projects?

It think that the natural ph indicator & environmental chemistry is the best option .

What are the examples of best investigatory projects?

mostly on Physics and Chemistry sounds great.

Could you Suggest you some topics for chemistry projects?

The chemistry projects suggestion depends upon student level, at school level the projects may be ,1- electroplating, 2-separation of compounds by column chromatography, 3-preparation of aspirine and other organic compounds.

Which book best read for class11 chemistry?

which writer is good for reading chemistry for class 11. pl suggest some name

Who is the best teacher of chemistry?

Dr. Duncan is the best teacher of chemistry and her lil dog plumbum!!!!

Which is the best book for medicinal chemistry?

Medicinal Chemistry by Ashutosh KAr Medicinal Chemistry by Patricks

What are good chemistry projects?

Some good chemistry projects include studying the effects of different variables on chemical reactions, examining the properties of different materials, investigating the principles of chromatography, and exploring the applications of electrochemistry. These projects can provide hands-on experience and deepen understanding of key chemical concepts.

What are the best school science projects for 2013?

Some of the best science projects are Volcanos, Earthquakes, Solar System, Eruption of chemicals and there are many other projects that you can do as well.

Which is best among MTech chemistry and Ph.D chemistry?

What is your basic back ground, if you are an MSc chemistry holder and you want to be in the field of chemistry then Phd is the best option for you. If you have second thought of moving to other fields like software then MTech chemistry is best. deside yourself Regards Vijay kumar

What are some things found in a classroom tha start with c?

* crafts * computer projects * calculus * counting * calisthenics * chemistry

What are some great ideas for children's tree art projects?

If you are interesting in finding some great ideas for children's tree art projects, then the best website for you to check out would be Activity Village. They have some of the best ideas!

What is the best part of chemistry?
