

Where can you find a job with animals?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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The zoo or humane society.At a veterinary clinic or on a farm. Several volunteer opportunities are available at humane society - see the related link.

A lot of times people find themselves moved to make a difference in the life of animals but can get stopped short when realizing they lack the credentials to get a job to do this. Becoming even a veterinarian assistant requires a knowledge in medicine and most likely a degree in most professional vet facilities.

There is still a lot of options that can be humbling and probably do not pay highly but for some people high pay is not necessary.

Job 1) ADOPTION COUNSELOR, this is something I found in our local PetSmart.

Me and my kids usually go there just to 'hang' out with the cats and watch other peoples dogs because dogs are not allowed at our apartments so I was able to get a glimpse of what they do. First, you can't be allergic to cats because most adoption centers are going to have at least 75% cats and cats have a wide variety of temperaments so it is essential that you have the patience. This is a rewarding job for those who enjoy engaging with many people throughout the day as you will meet many potential candidates. Your job is to find the perfect match for the animal and person by narrowing pros and cons. You will have a history of each cat for detecting any phobias. This job is great because you are the person to make sure that cat finds a permanent home that they can finally be comfortable in and appreciated.


This is the job that you see on Animal Planet's Animal Cops and can be a little heartbreaking but the greatest feeling when you find that one of the animals you rescued that was near death has now recovered and found a home. One example is a litter of infant puppies being found in front of someones home hidden in their trash. While only 3 of the litter of 10 survived all were able to find homes and two were adopted together. This position does require learning about animal cruelty laws and control laws so make sure you contact your local department for requirements.

Job 3) Shelters

Positions can range from supervision to monitor everything going on in the shelter, receiving animals making sure duties are being conducted efficiently. The Animal Care Attendants are the people in charge of hygienic duties like cleaning up after the animals, administering medicines and feedings. Many of these places are in need of extra help usually in the form of volunteer work but if you show that you can reliable chances are they will hire you. (Note: Administrative jobs in this branch are fund raising specialist who help raise awareness and funds for the

HORSE FARMS: A similar position is working at your local horse farm. Usually around June or July you can find advertisements in the paper for positions like this and usually they will require you to have experience with small tractors but for females, if you have the experience with horses there should be no reason why you can't maneuver you way in. Keeping horses can be strenuous work and should only be for serious candidates.

JOB 4) National Parks

This is a new recreational way to get involved in protecting our National Parks and a new trend has sprung where families or individuals will volunteer their time to work in a National Park in exchange for room and board. This can be a one time opportunity for you and your family who might be apprehensive at first but find how much nature can give back when its over and maybe you'll want to return the next year! Go to your local government's website and search for the national parks or state parks links.


This takes a knowledge of many breeds of dogs because a dogs coat can vary in the way you need to care for it. Some dogs have a double layered coat that you have to treat the top coat first then get to the bottom coat which is softer. If you looking to groomer for competitions it takes learning from a pro so try to work with your local AKC breeder, if its like my old neighbor she will appreciate the help ALOT. Bathing and grooming a dog can easily take one hour! There is challenges to this job because some owners are new pet owners and are learning about their pets and how to care for them and may bring you a dog with infections in the ear or anal glands that are 'impacted' which means unpleasant odors for you. You still need to be professional about it and do your job. Another example is dogs with long undercoats that have many knots and this requires cutting and lots of brushing and dogs don't usually like a lot of pulling and tugging by strangers so be ready for snipping, this is just the dogs normal reaction. You could make a career out of this and maybe one day start your own grooming business.


I'm not sure if that is the correct name but you do walk other peoples dogs. You can walk up to as many as 10 or 15 dogs depending on your level of experience or the area that you live in (rural or city, suburban?)--the same rules and patience apply to this job as listed above.

There are overseas opportunities that allow you to accompany and assist biologists, zoologists, conservationists, etc but these expeditions require you to pay your own way - but going to a rain forest and learning from experts, what could top that for the animal lover? This could benefit the student looking actual experience in the field, this also goes for marine environments but do your research in your local library (ask for books on volunteering) and there will be something that suits your taste.

There are plenty of jobs out there that have to do with animals. If you find it helpful try the link I placed below for Trovit's job search engine, which has over 6,700 listings for jobs with animals.

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