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The album Anthology 1 includes music recorded by the Quarrymen in 1958 and the Silver Beetles' 1960 Decca audition.

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Q: Where can you get The Quarrymen or The Silver Beatles music?
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What was the groups name before beetle?

First they were called the Quarrymen then they were called the Silver Beatles.

He Former Name of The Beatles Was?

The Quarrymen, Johnny & The Moondogs, The Silver Beatles (yes, spelled like the insect) are all names they went by early on.

What was john lennon's first band called?

The Beatles? they were earlier called The quarrymen and breifly changed there name to the silver beatles. Lennon formed the band and later McCartney joined and then Harrison and then best. However Ringo Starr soon replaced him after the other 3 Beatles had disagreements with him.

Did John Lennon have any bands besides the Beatles?

They were part of a group called the Quarrymen, then they were called the Beatles.

Did The Beatles have another name?

John Lennon formed a skiffle group, best known as "The Quarrymen" in 1957, which Paul McCartney and George Harrison later joined. In chronological order, the names that band went through were "The Black Jacks", "The Quarrymen", "Johnny and the Moondogs", "The Silver Beetles", "Long John and the Silver Beetles" and the "The Beatles".The QuarrymenI'm not sure of all of the names, so I can't tell you how many there were, however, some names included1 - The Quarrymen2 - The Beetles3 - The Silver Beetles4 - Johny and The moondogs5 - Long John and the Beetles6 - The Beatles.I think that's all, but I'm not entirely sure.The Quarrymen, The Beetles, The Silver Beetles, The Beatals, Johnny and the MoondogsThey were originally the QuarryMen (named for their school), then became Long John Silver and the Silver Beetles, then Silver Beatles, then the Beatles.

What did the quarrymen change their name to?

The Beatles!!!!!!

Who was the member of the Beatles that was also in quarrymen?

John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison were all in "The Quarrymen" before the name of the band went through a series of changes in 1960 and eventually evolved into "The Beatles". It is said that Stu Sutcliffe (bass) was the one who suggested the name "The Beatles" and played a few rehearsals with "The Quarrymen" in early 1960 before the name was changed to "The Silver Beetles". Drummer Pete Best was asked to join The Beatles in August 1960 after "The Quarrymen" name ceased to exist.

When were The Beatles fourmed?

The Quarrymen were formed in 1957. The Beatles started in 1960.

What were the beatles several band names and what date did they change?

Namechange timeline... 1957 - The Blackjacks 1957 - The Quarrymen 1959 - Johnny and the Moondogs 1960 - The Beatals 1960 - The Silver Beetles 1960 - The Silver Beatles 1960 - The Beetles

5 names of the band beatles?

Before they were known as the Beatles, Lennon's band was also known as the Black Jacks, the Quarrymen, the Nerk Twins, the Beatals and Long John & the Silver Beetles.

How many names did the Beatles have before they settled on The Beatles?

They had two (or possibly three) names before they became the Beatles. Way before the Beatles were famous, they were teenagers playing in a band called The Quarrymen; this name came from a local high school the band members attended. (Note that the lineup of the Quarrymen was not the same as what ultimately became the Beatles, although it was started by John Lennon. Paul McCartney joined the band in 1957 and George Harrison in 1958. Ringo Starr was not a member of that band.) When the Quarrymen traveled to Germany, they added a new member (Stu Sutcliffe) and changed to the Silver Beetles, although some sources say they were first called the Beatals. The spelling of Silver Beetles became Silver Beatles, and then finally, the band settled on The Beatles sometime in 1960.

Who was The Beatles first member?

Officially, when they called themselves the Beatles, and not the Quarrymen, or the Silver Beatles, the line up was John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stu Suttcliff, and Pete Best.