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i have no idea but i do now its not true i had a dog that was 81/2 and he could learn a trick in a day

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2w ago

The phrase 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks' is a popular saying that means it's difficult to teach someone new skills or behaviors, especially if they are set in their ways. This proverb has been around for centuries and is based on the idea that older individuals may resist change or new ideas. Its exact origin is unknown, but it reflects a commonly held belief about learning and adaptation.

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You cant teach a old dog new tricks?

In a science expierment my friend did it proved that you cant teach an old dog new tricks! EVEN MORE THAN U CAN TEACH YOUNGER ONES.

It is fruitless to indoctrinate a super-annuated canine with innovative maneuvers?

Yes it can be taught. You have to stick to some exercises

Who wrote You cant teach an old dog new tricks?

This is a motto from the Aesop's Fable 'The Ass and the Lapdog'.

When was You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks created?

You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks was created on 2011-05-27.

Do I have to teach my dog its name before I can make it learn tricks in Nintendogs?

Yes, and if then it learns it's name, you can teach it to "sit". When you're done that, you can teach your dog up to fourteen tricks. :)

How come you're never too old yet you can't teach an old dogs new tricks?

I believe that you can teach an old dog new tricks, but people say that their brain get old and worn out and can't remember the trick.

Can you tame a cat like a dog and teach it tricks?

yes we can

Can a fat dog do tricks?

Of course, any dog can do tricks! Start with simple tricks like sit, stay, down, stand, and come. However, teach fun tricks like shake, roll over, take a bow (voice command = Ta-daa!) or jumping through a hoop.

Why is it good for young dogs to learn tricks?

Because you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Can you teach your mean dog to do tricks?

Yes and the more you teach and reward with treats and love him/her the less mean he/she will be.

Can dogs learn?

Yes,you need to be patient and teach the dog some tricks weeks by weeks.Oh, and remember if the dog can do what you teach it,you can give it a treat.

How do you teach your tortoise tricks?

You cant actually "train" your turtle like you can train a cat or a dog. But by hanging out with them often they get used to you. although i taught mine to give kisses.