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Albert Einstein gave the theory of relativity to prove that the speed of light is always constant and greatest......

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Q: Where did Albert Einstein make the theory of relativity?
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What did albert enstine make?

Albert Einstein is not credited with making or inventing anything. He is credited with the development of a number of physics theories such as the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity.

What Observations did Albert Einstein make when he made the Theory of Relativity?

Albert Einstein is one of the most prolific scientific minds in history. When he made his Theory of Relativity he did have a few thoughts on the subject. He thought it was one of the principle theories. This means it is not based on a hypothesis, but facts.

What scientific discovery or contribution did albert Einstein make?

He did the Relativity Theory and he was a major astronomer expanded Knowledge of Gravity.

How did Albert Einstein make the theory of Relativity?

Albert Einstein stated that he came up with the theory of relativity by imagining himself sitting on a proton. He then imagined what it would look like if he could see the electromagnetic field of a proton. This lead to a long chain of thoughts that eventually ended in him forming the theory of relativity.

How did Albert Einstein make the atom?

Albert Einstein, never made the Atom. Einstein main claim to fame is with his Theory of Relativity. John Dalton was one of the earliest men to Discover the properties of the atom

What made Einstein make the theory e equals mc2?

Albert Einstein is widely credited for deriving this equation from his own theory of special relativity in 1905.

How did albert Einstein make the world a better place?

Albert Einstein changed the world we live in today by his experiments and discoveries. He developed the theory of relativity and many other physics of the world today.

What things did Albert Einstein do to make him famous?

He was a genius for math and science.He came up with the theory of relativity and E=MC2. Energy= mass times the speed of light squared.Theory of Relativity

When did Albert Einstein make his discovery?

Albert Einstein published his discovery of the relativity of gravity, light, time and space in October 1915.

How did Albert Einstein change history?

Albert Einstein changed history by figuring out that E=mc2 that helped make the atomic bomb. Also Albert Einstein had the theory of relativity which helped us find out that if we traveled at the speed of light atoms time would move slower for us and we would live longer.

How did Albert Einstein make our lives better?

it helped us to have a warning to prepare for the general relativity

What contribution did Einstein make to science?

he did the relativity theory and he was a major astronomer expanded knowledge of gravity