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They fled to Amsterdam in the Netherlands (Holland).

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Q: Where did Anne and her family go when they fled from Germany because of Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party?
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Why did Hitler win support in Germany?

Hitler won support in Germany because he used extreme nationalism to bind the country together after a crushing defeat in World War I.

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When was Family Party of Germany created?

Family Party of Germany was created in 1981.

Was Germany under Hitler a republic?

Hitler's Nazi Empire wasn't in complete control of Germany, it was a political party which had hitler as leader.

Who was the Nazi in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.

What was Adolph Hitler leader of?

Hitler ruled as leader of the Nazi Party of Germany.

Did Hitler rule Germany alone?

Hitler ruled nazi party which lead him to the though that he could rule Germany

What was Germany's system before Hitler?

Hitler was not a system, Germany was a democracy and it democratically elected Hitler, then they democraticlly changed to a one party state.

Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

Did the Nazi Party exist in Germany?

Yes. Hitler lead the Nazi party.

How did the Nazis get so strong?

The Nazi Party formed from the National Socialist German Workers' Party after Hitler too power. Much of Hitler's rise was attributed to the fact that Germany was in such a depression after the Treaty of Versailles demolished their economy. The people clung to Hitler's promises because they were, at that time, their only hope after getting out of the depression. So with Germany's support Hitler rose to great power and with him so did the Nazi Party.

Why did Hitler start the Nazi Party and what was its purpose?

Hitler started the NAZI Party because he wanted to get power of Germany and help the German people. The Only way Hitler could rise to power is to enter into politics, so once he entered politics he can be noticed by everyone including the communist. From 1921-1933 The Purpose of the Nazi Party was to; 1. Become leading Party of the Riechstag 2. Make Hitler President of Germany In 1933, Once Hitler was chancellor and the enabling act was signed, he eliminated the other parties like communist, then he made the Nazi a 1 party state which helped Hitler maintain political control other Germany