

Where did Einstein work before he become famous?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Where did Einstein work before he become famous?
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Did Albert Einstein become famous in bern Switzerland?

His fame was gained when he came to america, to work on the famous "E=MC squared" Albert Einstein did a lot of his important early work while he was a patent clerk in an office in Bern, Switzerland. This includes his work on General relativity and the energy properties of light, i.e. photo-electric effect. It would be an oversimplification to say that the only work that made him famous was the work he did while in Bern.

Was Albert Einstin famous before he died?

Yes, Albert Einstein was already famous before he died in 1955. He was renowned for his theory of relativity and his work in theoretical physics, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

How did Albert Einstein become famous?

Einstein became famous through his work on the photoelectric effect, his development of the Special and General Theories of Relativity, and the resulting determination that the mass and energy of an object are proportionally related and that the constant or proportionality is the square of the speed of light (E=mc**2).

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What are albert Einstein's invention?

Although Einstein is most famous for his work in physics, he did invent and patent a refrigerator. It was his only patented invention.

Did Einstein have coworkers or assistants?

Well, before Einstein was a scientist, he did work in an office building with co-workers, so yes, Einstein did have co-workers.

Did Albert Einstein work for NASA?

No. He died before NASA was started.

What famous prize did Albert Einstein win?

The Nobel Prize for his work on the photo-electric effect.

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Because if we do work all day we would become like Einstein

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