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Q: Where did Mesopotamians believe the king's power came from?
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Who came first the Mesopotamians or the Greeks?

Mesopotamia came first.

Where divine right rulers believe their power came from?

The theory that a monarch's legitimacy to reign was approved by God was called the Divine Right of Kings.

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Actually kings came in power riding horses, but Jesus came humbly riding a young Donkey (colt).

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It led many people to question the idea that a kings power came from God.

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Shepherds saw Him and when He was two or so the wise man or men came to see Him. It says in the beginning of Luke in the Bible

Where did the Mesopotamians worship their gods?

The Mesopotamians were the first civilization, so therefore, they "came up" with the first religion. The Mesopotamians were polytheistic, which means they worshipped many gods. The gods the Mesopotamians worshipped were based on the natural happenings, their harvest's, hurricanes, and they loved (especially) one god that they claimed "made" the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flood in the summertime every year, so the crops were extra rich from the silt in the water, which came from the mountains.

How many things did the Mesopotamians develop?

The Mesopotamians are famous for the developments of many things. They invented the wheel, the calendar, made advances in mathematics, science, and astrology, and they also came up with their own form of writing.

What song has the lyrics all your horses and your kings came down?

Kings Horses by Jet

What is john Locke contribute?

He was a great English philosopher. He wrote "The Treaties of Government" (1690). In this book , he refused the divine right of kings, and argued that the power came from people, which is represented in Praliament, so the kings' power should be limited- he welcomed the "glorious revolution" which meant just the same (1688).

Why was writing important for Mesopotamians?

As far as we can tell, writing first came into existence to help support systems of trade and debts

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The Kings Daughers came to Canada to help populate the colonies

Why did the age of the absolutism happen?

Absolutism began during the transition from feudalism to capitalism in the early 17th century. It came about through the concept of the "Divine Right of Kings" meaning that a Kings power came directly from God not from the people, so the ruler is not accountable to them. The monarch had control over every aspect of the government, they had 'absolute power'. Basically absoultism started because of the mindsets of people in the time period, the monarch was chosen by God thus they have the power to rule as they wish.