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Gypsies, mentally impaired, communists, transexuals, homosexuals, Jews, etc--they all went to the death camps. (They all had to wear different symbols: the yellow star for Jews, a pink triangle for Gay, etc)

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Q: Where did Nazis send groups of Gypsies the mentally impaired etc?
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What other groups were targeted by the Nazis for extermination?

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What groups were the target for extermination by Nazis?


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The Jews, Gypsies/Romani, gay people, Catholics, the handicapped, and Slavs.

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During the Holocaust, the Nazis targeted seven major groups: Jews, Romas (gypsies), homosexuals, Slavs, mentally and physically handicapped, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Soviet Prisoners of war.

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Jews, homosexualls, gypsies, mentally handicapped, and other "enemies" of the Nazis

Which groups were chosen for extermination by the Nazis on the racial grounds?

The Nazis were interested in exterminating groups that they felt were inferior. Jews, disabled people, Slavic people, and gypsies were the groups that were exterminated on racial grounds.

How did the Nazis separate the gypsies from others?

They had different patches,for different groups. It wasn't hard to "pick out" the Gypsies. Even today in Europe the Gypsies are discriminated against and considered thieves.

What were 3 major groups persecuted by the Nazi s?

Jews, Gypsies and Homosexuals. Although Slavs died in the largest numbers during the war. The Nazis also killed many physically and mentally handicapped people but not to the same degree.

List 8 groups besides Jews that the Nazis wanted to eliminate?

The Nazis wanted to eliminate anyone who did not fit into their vision of a perfect society, (this is different from those who they wanted to kill) these included: 1. some Roma (gypsies), and many other tribes of gypsies. 2. habitual criminals. 3. communists. 4. the mentally handicapped. 5. homosexuals. 6. Jehovah's Witnesses, and other religious groups/leaders who did not support the state. 7. trades unionists. 8. members of opposition/resistance groups.

What group did the Nazis single out for extermination?

The only groups singled out for extermination rather than enslavement were the Jews and the Romanies ('gypsies'). Please see related question.

All races Hitler killed from a-z?

The only two races that the Nazis tried to kill were the Jews and the 'Gypsies, so there is no A-Z. mentally ill, homosexuals