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Much of the money had to be borrowed from European bankers ,and that fact was indeed a problem in getting the Senate to ratify the deal.

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Q: Where did President Jefferson find the money to pay for the Louisiana Territory?
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Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from what country?

He purchased the Louisiana territory from France!

How did the united the united States acquire Louisiana?

France needed money, and set a price for the territory. Thomas Jefferson was president at the time and is credited with the negotiation.

Which president purchased the Louisiana Territory during his term?

Thomas Jefferson proposed and completed the Louisiana Purchase from France and Napoleon in 1803. Robert Livingstone and James Monroe traveled to France to negotiate the purchase. The original intent was to purchase only enough land to guarantee access to the Mississippi and the port of New Orleans. Napoleon apparently needed money and offered the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million or about 3 cents per acre. After the purchase was made, Jefferson assigned Lewis and Clark the job of exploring the territory. Congress had to approve the final purchase and arrange to borrow the $15 million purchase price. Thomas Jefferson was our 3rd President serving from March, 1801 to March, 1809.

What year was the louisiana territory purchased?

In 1803 Thomas Jefferson acted upon Napoleon's offer to sell the Louisiana territory. At the time, Louisiana was a vast French territory considerably larger than the present-day state of Louisiana. Napoleon, needing money to fund the aptly-named Napoleonic Wars, sold the area to the United States, under President Thomas Jefferson. Louisiana was formally turned over to the U.S. on December 20, 1803.

Which president brought Louisiana?

Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase and got Congress to approve it and come up with the money.

The decision to complete the Louisiana purchase was difficult for president Jefferson because he believed in?

Saving money and limiting the size of government

Why did Jefferson think he could avoid war with France if he bought the Louisiana territory?

Jefferson thought he could avoid war by buying the Louisiana territory because France territory was right next to american territory therefore he was afraid they would fight over land and he didn't want to lose France's alliance so he asked France if he could buy Louisiana territory,but surprisingly France needed money after wasting its money on a long war with great Britain

How much money did the Louisiana Territory cost to buy and from whom did the president buy it?

$15 million.

What was president Jefferson's personal dilemma when purchasing The Louisiana Purchase?

saving money and limiting the size of the govenment

What were the circumstances under which the Louisiana Territory was purchased?

The circumstances under which the Louisiana Territory was purchased was that Thomas Jefferson attempted to avoid war with France over the port of New Orleans by offering to buy New Orleans from France. France responded by asking if the United States wanted to buy all of the Louisiana Territory.

Did Thomas Jefferson buy lousisana purchase?

Thomas Jefferson was president when the Louisiana Purchase was made and he instigated it. Congress had to authorize the purchase and come up with the money.

What was President Jackson like being president?

President Jackson was elected the 3rd president. Thomas Jefferson was not just a president but an inventor as well. The first thing Jefferson did was lowered the taxes and reduced the size of the army. He bought the French's land of Louisiana so the french had money to fight great Britian. This land that Thomas Jefferson bought is called the Louisiana Purchase. The US started by adding 530 acres.