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As families realized that the drought and dust storms would not end, some sold what they could not take and began to drive west on Route 66. Many hoped to become hired hands on California farms, learning how to grow fruits and vegetables while living on the farms where they worked. However, California farms typically hired seasonal workers only when they were needed, and used farm workers to perform specific tasks rather than learn how to become farmers in their own right.

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Dust Bowl farmers moved to California

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8. What would farmers in the Dust Bowl do if they could no longer grow crops?

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Q: Where did many of the victims of the dust bowl migrate to?
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When did many people from Oklahoma migrate?

No, people did not migrate to Oklahoma, a lot of people migrated from Oklahoma.During the dust bowl people from Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado migrated to California.

Where did victims of the Great Depression migrate to?

Since the Depression was essentially a worldwide event, most did not migrate to other countries. In the US, many who were impacted by the southwest dust bowl migrated to the Pacific Coast. And many men took to the road looking for work and leaving their wives and children behind. Beyond that, however, people tried to survive where they were.

How many children died in the dust bowl?

The dust bowl was in the 1930s in the central part of the US, known as the High Plains. For more about the Dust Bowl, you can read The Facts About the Dust Bowl at

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What was the result of drought and erosion in the Great Plains in the 1930s?

Many farmers left the great plain because the dust bowl caused droughts and that was really bad for agriculture or farming

How did the dust bowl affect the lands?

the dust bowl affected many crops. They were unable to grow because all the topsoil was blown away.

How many people move to California during the Dust Bowl?

Due to the Dust Bowl conditions, about 200,000 people had moved to California by 1940.

How many states did the dust bowl take?

five states

How many people were unemployed due to dust bowl?


How many people were unemployed during the dust bowl?


As a result of the Dust Bowl many farmers became what?
