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A score of 138 is more than two standard deviations above the norm (average). This means you scored higher than approximately 98% of people. So, for every hundred people you meet, on average, you are smarter than 98 of them and one is smarter than you.

You should be careful though if you took the test off a website or some other place online it is most likely not accurate. The only way to get a real IQ test that is reliable and valid (meaning, it measures your intelligence accurately) is to get professionally tested through a mental health professional using a carefully researched and designed measure.

And remember, IQ is just a measure of one kind of intelligence, and your results can be affected by things such as ADHD or learning disabilities.

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Q: Where does the IQ 138 fall on the scale?
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How do you see your IQ?

Take a test with a doctor or in a school I got mine at 11 and my IQ is 138

Is 138 a bad IQ score for a 13 year old girl?

The average IQ for an adult is anywhere from 90 to 115 therefore 138 is considered very good

If you take an IQ test and it says your IQ is 161 is that good?

161 means you are a genius, I am 11 and my IQ is 138 meaning I am gifted

How do you boost your IQ?

I am 11 my IQ used to be 98 (ave.) but I raised it to 138 (gifted) by studying the IQ tests online. It's not accurate but it boosts your IQ

What was thomas Jefferson's IQ?

There were no IQ tests then but people have said it ranged between 138-160

Can a teenager who has an IQ of 80 improve their IQ with training?

Yes, I did, I had an IQ of 98 (below average) and with some training I reached 138 at age 11