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The actual air exchange takes place in the alveoli of the lungs

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The exchange of gas occurs in the alveoli of the lungs.

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6y ago

There are millions of alveoli in the lungs. Alveoli are filled with air. Gas exchange takes place here. Singular of the alveoli is alveolus.

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Q: Where does the actual air exchange take place in the lungs?
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Where does breathing take place?

From my physiology class...if you mean the gas exchange (CO2-O2), it occurs at the alveoli level. These are part of the bronchioles which are branches of the bronchi which are branches of the trachea. Alveolis are located within the lungs. Breathing takes place in many areas. All of the areas of entry where oxygen enters the body is involved such as the mouth and nasal passages, the trachea, the bronchi, the lungs, even the blood stream because that is where the actual exchange of these gases occur.

Where in the lung does exchange of O2 and CO2 take place?

It takes place between the alveoli and the blood capillaries

Where does respiration actually take place?

Respiration takes place everywhere in the body. It takes place in the lungs the bronchi, the esophagus, the trachea, blood vessels, in capillaries, in the brain, cells even breath. If you are referring to the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, It actually occurs in the blood stream.

Where does the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place?

In thin walled, vascularized bag-like structures called alveoli inside the lungs. In simpler words, alveoli are balloon like structures which have many capillaries (A type of blood vessel) and is the site of actual diffusion of the O2 and CO2.

Where does most gas exchange between blood and tissue take place?

In the alveoli of the lungs. This is where oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide diffuses out of the bloodstream and into the lungs.

Related questions

Where does exchange of oxygen take place?

The exchange of oxygen takes place in the alveoli. It is found in our lungs

What gas take place in the lungs?

The gas exchange that takes place in the lungs are carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Where does the exchange of gases take place during respiration?

The lungs.

Where do the exchange of gases in spiders take place?

Book lungs.

Where does the ''exchange of gasses'' in the body take place?

generally in the lungs and the alveli

Where does blood and oxygen exchange take place in the lungs?

in the micro air sacs

Where does the exchange of gas and waste product take place in the circulatory system?

In the lungs.

Why are sponge lungs better than hollow lungs?

Because they have a greater surface area over which gaseous exchange can take place.

Where do the gaseous exchange take place?

Respirtary system, lungs, also known as thoratic region

Where does the exchange of the blood and oxygen take place in the lungs?

In the alveoli - the minute sacs at the ends of the branches.

How does the exchange of gases take place in the human body?

Gases takes place by nasal passage go to lungs to purifi.

How our lungs work?

Our lungs are part of the human respitory system. The exchange of gases from the outside of the body to the inside of the body take place in the here.