

Where is the caption for a table placed in HTML?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The caption will appear at the top by default. You can change that by using the align attribute in it, like using align="bottom" to put it below the table.

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Q: Where is the caption for a table placed in HTML?
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What is HTML caption?

The caption is created for 508 compliance, you add within <table> tag. The caption will appear on front end of site, usually a short sentence about what is below.

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Yes, you can insert an image anywhere in the code. You just have to insert the img tag before the area you want to insert it.

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HTML tables are created by the <table> command. Inside the table we can use tags like <li>, <ul>,<ol> etc.

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HTML header is placed on the top of a HTML page. It is wrapped inside the <head> element.

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Yes, a caption is a brief description or title placed below an image or illustration to explain what it is about. In a letter to the editor, a caption could be used to provide context or additional information about a related image or graphic.

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The advantage of exporting a table in HTML is that you could easily manipulate it. You could also show it in a website.

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Homepage can be created using HTML or various other languages. <table> can be used to create tabular format in HTML.

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The <tr> tag in HTML functions to define a table row. It's part of a <table> tag's body, and is used to contain either table headers <th> or table cells <td>.

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HTML header is placed on the top of a HTML page. It is wrapped inside the <head> element.

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It is really simple to print an HTML table in PHP, all you have to do is the following: <?php print "<table>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td>hello</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; ?>

Where are there actnoides placed on the periodic table?

Actinoids are placed in a separate row under the periodic table.

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