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Gas comes from the Joseph Bonaparte gas field off Wadeye (Port Keats).

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Q: Where is the natural gas in Darwin at the channel island power plant come from?
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What was Charles Darwin's theory regarding plant and animal life?

All plants and animals have gradually evolved over time through a process called natural selection.

Why is the galapagos island so unique?

The Galapagos Islands are home to over 300 plant and animal species, such as cacti around 11 metres tall, marine iguanas, sea lions. The organisms are endemic to that particular island and its relatives on the other islands will have varying physical features. It is these organisms that gave Charles Darwin, who visited this island in 1835, the idea of natural selection, as their physical features are great evidences of many years of evolution.

Charles Darwin theory of evolution explicitly rejected the dogma of special creation?

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection did not explicitly reject the theory of special creation. It implicitly rejected it. Darwin did not directly attack or reject special creation in his book "The Origin of Species," where he first outlined his theory. Instead, by claiming that all life evolved from simple organisms, through natural process, in response to their environment, he advanced a theory that explained how plant and animal life without divine intervention. Because special creation explicitly cites divine intervention as the mechanism for the development of plant and animal life, Darwin's theory undermined its central premise.

How did Charles Darwin explain the mechanism for evolution?

He did not and could not. Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" was published in late 1859, Mendel published "Experiments in Plant Hybridization" in 1865 (6 years later) which might have led Darwin into r question in this areas, but his theories were not widely embraced until the 1900s. Nucleic Acids were not studied completely until 1950s.Added:The mechanism for evolution is natural selection. Charles Darwin had trouble explaining the mechanism of heredity.

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a natural repellent plant is to get somethig away from you

Is Fraser Island in danger?

Yes and no. Fraser Island is the world's largest sand island, but like any natural habitat, its ecosystem is considered to be under threat from a variety of factors such as tourism, feral animals and introduced plant species.

Where did natural plant fibers originate?

The plant

Is plant a natural resorce?

Yes a plant is a natural resource because it can be regrown within a lifetime.

Which carnivorous plant did Charles Darwin describe as the most wonderful palnt in the world?


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They're Natural.

What was Sir Francis Darwin's job?

Francis Darwin worked with his father on experiments dealing with plant movements, specifically phototropism and they co-authored The Power of Movement in Plants