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Q: Where is the united nations international monetary fund headquarters located?
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Whose headquarters is located on international territory in New York City?

The United Nations Headquarters.

Which international organization was formed to promote monetary cooperation among the world's nations and facilitate the expansion of international trade?

International Monetary System

What international organization is a unit within the United Nations?

International Monetary Fund

Do The International Monetary Fund assist nations in their international environmental affairs?


The International Monetary Fund assists nations in their international environmental affairs?


Which international organization was formed to promote monetary cooperation among the world's nations and to facilitate the expansion of international trade?

European Union

Which international oganization has its headquarters in New York?

The United Nations.

Where is the headquarters of the WHO?

hi The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that acts as a co-coordinating authority on international public health. This was established on April 7th 1948 with its headquarters in Geneva , Switzerland.

Which section of the United Nations is responsible for promoting international economic cooperation by overseeing the financial status of members and monetary agreements?

International Monetary Fund

What major international agency has its headquarters in New York?

The United Nations.

Where is UNO headquarters located?

The United Nations Organization headquarters are in New York City.

What major international agency meets has its headquarters in New York City?

United Nations