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There are many. in brief:

Minos was son of Zeus and adopted in Crete by mortal kind Asterion. When he became King, God Poseidon send a white bull from the sea to justify him, but Minos instead of sacrificing the Bull he replaced him with a regular one. Poseidon in revenge condemned his wife with zoophilia and when Daedalus made a wood cow so she would hide inside, the White Bull of Poseidon mate with the wooden cow and eventually with Pasiphae, which resulted to the birth of the Minotaur, half man, half bull and Daedalus build the Labyrinth to restrain him.

Later, Athens became a vassal of Knossos, and had to pay tribute to them. The price was the lives of the 7 best boys and 7 most beautiful girls given to Knossos and King Minos every 7 years, to be given to the Minotaur for launch, in retribution for the assassination of Minos' son during games in Athens. Theseus went to Crete in order to kill the Minotaur and put an end to this, which he did with the help of Minos' daughter Ariadne and Daedalus. His father Augeus asked when his ship comes back to have white sails if all was good or black if Theseus was dead. Theseus forgot to set the white sails so his father commit suicide when he saw the black one by jumping in the sea, whence the name Aegean Sea.

Later on again, Minos tried to find Daedalus and get him to trial so in search for him went to Sikelia (Sicely) and when asked for him, was was boiled to death. After his death he became on of the three judges of the Underworld.

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Q: Which Greek myth that includes king minos and the minotaur?
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Minos was named or mentioned in many myths, but he features most prominently in the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

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Did King Minos have a minotaur?

In myths, yes, but in life, no.

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