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Plankton are a group of organisms that live the water but cannot swim against the current. They are eaten by many aquatic animals and are a crucial food source for several of them including almost all fish larvae. Fish, sharks, and whales eat plankton.

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Q: Which animals are plankton eaters
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What animal eat plants and animals and plankton?

lots of fish in the sea eat plankton, and sea weed which is a plant if u look up in trees in the forest you'll see animals that are plant eaters except some birds

Which shark is not a planton eater?

Most Sharks are not plankton eaters. Only plankton eating Sharks are the basking Shark and the whale Shark.

What animals are in the plankton ocean zone?

phytoplankton and zoo plankton

What ocean animals are plankton?

Plankton are microscopic sea creatures, and the term includes both animals and plants.

What do animals get because they eat other animals?

Animals who eat other animals survive because they can't eat plants.Now you may ask ''Why are there meat eaters and plant eaters animals?''That's easy!If there were just plant eaters animals there would be so many that there wouldn't be enough plants for all.It's better to have someone to eat 1 animal at a time so their number stays the same.So the plant eaters own a favour to the meat eaters and the meat eaters to the plant eaters!

Are plankton prouducers?

There are two sorts of plankton, zoo plankton and phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are plants and are producers while zoo plankton are animals that eat other plankton.

What animals do plankton eat?

Planktons don't eat animals. Phytoplanktons undergo photosynthesis, but zooplanton eat other plankton

What eat plankton in the ocean?

Krill and shrimplike animals eat plankton in the ocean.

Which two types of animals eat plankton?

lots of animals eat plankton, some whales, whale sharks, zooplankton eat phytoplankton and lots of fish eat plankton.

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can u Identify and explain three ways mammals are classified according to their food intake Herbivores- animals that eat only plants. Omnivores- animals that eat both plants and other animals. (humans) Carnivores- animals that eat other animals or flesh eaters.(tigers)

What is the name of the tiny plants and animals on which fish feed?

The ones in the sea eat plankton which are microscoptic animals and plants that live in the water.