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Q: Which country gifts a Christmas tree to Edinburgh each year?
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Why do you give each other gifts at Christmas?

The wise men brought gifts to Jesus after His birth.

What is gifts to do with Christmas?

Christmas coincides with an ancient Greek holiday in which men would party and have sex with each other as well as exchanging gifts.

Why do you give gifts to each other at Christmas?

you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

How many Christmas gifts are given each year?

Millions of gifts are given across the world; there is no way to know exactly.

Can carriers accept a Christmas gift?

Each company will have its own policies, but generally small gifts would be allowed at Christmas.

What are the army troops doing for Christmas in east timor?

They are giving gifts 2 each other and are trying not to fight on Christmas eve or Christmas day

What is the purpose of giving gifts during Christmas?

When Jesus was born everybody brought Mary presents so on Christmas we give gifts to each other in honor of everybody giving Mary presents

Which country gives a Christmas tree each year to Britain which stands in trafalgar square?

The country of Norway gifts a Christmas tree to Britain each year that stands in London's Trafalgar Square. The tree has been gifted by Norway since 1947. The gift of the tree is in honor of British support during World War II.

What do Australian people give each other as Christmas gifts?

Usually People give each other what the other person wants. Some people have a Christmas wish list of the items they want.

What do each of Santa?

Santa gives you presents on Christmas if you are well behave in the year Good luck in getting your gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much total money is spent in US on gifts each year?

It is estimated that around $1 trillion is spent on gifts in the US each year. This includes various occasions such as holidays, birthdays, weddings, and other special events.

How do Kiwis celebrate?

In New Zealand we celebrate Christmas by giving or sending gifts to each other and spending time with family we also have a christmas brekfast lunch or dinner