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India, with over half its land being arable.

The next large country has 11%- China.

Brazil has only 6%, contrary to popular belief.

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Q: Which country has the greatest arable land in the world?
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Which country has the first largest arable land in the world?

CHINA is the 1st largest arable land in the world.

This East Asian country has the lowest percentage of arable land?

Japan has the lowest percentage of arable land among East Asian countries. Approximately 11% of Japan's total land area is arable, which poses challenges for agricultural production in the country.

What country has the most arable land?

Australia has the most arable land, followed by the United States and Russia. Arable land refers to land suitable for growing crops.

What percentage of land in japan is arable?

11.64% of the land in Japan is arable based on the world factbook.

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About 5% of Canada's land is considered arable, suitable for crop cultivation. Most arable land is found in the southern parts of the country, particularly in the Prairie provinces.

What percentage of the land is arable in Canada?

1% __ According to the World Bank, the percentage of arable land in Canada is around 4.96%

What is Physiology density?

total population / amount of arable land

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Approximately 4.97% of Colombia's land area is arable, meaning it is suitable for cultivation and agriculture. This limited amount of arable land poses challenges for agriculture and food production in the country.

Arable land in the US?

Arable land in the US refers to land suitable for growing crops. It makes up about 18% of the total land area in the country. The major crops grown on arable land in the US include corn, soybeans, wheat, and vegetables.

Which country in Northern Europe used 50 percent of their land for farming?

Denmark is the only country in Northern Europe with enough arable land to use close to 50% of it for farming. Every other country has less than 10% arable land.

What is Arable Farming?

Arable farmming is farmming done on arable land and arable land is land that is good for farmming. For example rocky, and sandy land is considered non arable land

What is land that can be cultivated called?

Arable land.