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OSHA does not recommend disinfectants.

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Q: Which disinfectant is most recommended by OSHA?
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Items recommended by OSHA are used for what?

Items recommended by OSHA are used to prevent hazards

Disinfectant recommended when working with body fluids?


How long can a disinfectant solution be used for?

The longevity of a disinfectant solution can vary depending on factors such as the type of disinfectant, how it is stored, and how frequently it is used. It is generally recommended to check the manufacturer's instructions or guidelines for specific information on how long a disinfectant solution can be used effectively. ~

What is the OSHA recommended solution for disinfecting contaminated or soiled equipment and surfaces?

The OSHA recommended solution to use for disinfecting contaminated or soiled equipment and surfaces is:

What is the recommended disinfectant for blood and body fluid contamination is?

Alcohol for skin; bleach for surfaces and cloth.

How do you describe what a disinfectant does?

A disinfectant was made to kill germs and bacteria. there are many products that will do this. Lysol is the most popular disinfectant.

What safety training DVD's does OSHA recommend for lifting and back/joint health?

There are some great training videos recommended by the OSHA. There are videos for lifting provided by the National Safety Council(NSC).

What are the uses for hydrogen peroxide?

It is most commonly used as a disinfectant and as a bleach.

How expensive are classes for OSHA certification?

OSHA certifications range from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars. The OSHA website offers information and guidance on certifications and the cost of them. Research of the official OSHA website will provide most answers to cost questions.

Can you list online OSHA safety course programs?

There are many websites available that offer OSHA safety courses. One of the most popular websites is, where they offer free OSHA training.

Is hydrogen peroxide a disinfectant?

yes it is mild disinfectant.

What is the OSHA requirement concerning the OSHA poster?

an osha inspection begins when the osha compliance officer