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Q: Which economic institution owns all industry and production?
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Which economic institution owns the factors of production in a market economy?

communism households

This focuses on who owns land and industry how money is divided and the production of goods?

Economic system

Economy where government owns all industry and production?


What is an economic system where the government owns and controls the means of production?


What is an economy where government owns all production and industry?

Command Economy.

Economic systems differ according to what two main characteristics?

Answer: Who owns the factors of production, and the methods used to coordinate economic activity.

The economic and political system which the government owns almost all major factors of production?


In a capitalist economic system who owns and controls the means of production?

If you're thinking in the Marx context, the term is bourgeoisie.

Under what system does the government owns nearly all the means of production and directs all important economic activities?


What is an economic system in which the government decides what will be produced how it will be produced who gets what is produced and who owns and controls the major factors of the production?

Command economy. wrooooooong!

Who owns the factors of production in cuba?

The government owns the factors of production. Since Cuba has a dictatorship and Raul Castro is now in charge, it can be said that he owns the factors of production.

Who owns the mean of production in capitalis?

Under a capitalistic economy, the ownership of the means of production is in the hands of non-governmental corporations. Most are publicly owned by citizens. Capitalism has proven to be the cornerstone of economic growth.