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The Noble Gases

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Q: Which group of elements are already stable?
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What group of elements have stable electron confoguration?

The group of elements that have a stable electron configuration are the noble gases.

Which group of elements are stable?

the most stable element group is the noble gases group

Where are Stable Elements in the periodic table located?

Stable Elements in the periodic table are located in Group 18 of the periodic table.It is a group of noble gases.Noble gases are considered most stable in nature.

What are some examples of stable elements and where are they found in the periodic table?

noble elements are the stable elements. They are found in group 18 in the periodic table.

Which group on the periodic table is already stable?

Group viii or 0

What is the number of group in which the elements have a stable outer energy level?

group 18

What group of elements has a staple number of electrons in their outer energy level?

Group 18 elements have a stable octet.

Why won't stable elements react?

Stable elements do not react because they don't need to. Elements react so that they can gain stability( as stability is gained by filling the outer most shell of the atom). As stable elements already have full outer shells and are stable , they do not react.

What are elements that don't react rapidly with other elements called?

stable or unreactive elements. and If you are looking for the group, The Noble Gases are the most unreactive group of elements.

Elements in Group 1 become more stable by what an electron?

Elements in group two become more stable as they all have complete electron shell.They do not have valence electrons and hence they are less reactive.Some of the elements of group 2 are Barium,Magnesium and Calcium

Why are the elements in group 0 unreactive?

Elements react in order to gain a stable electronic configuration, but the group 8 elements already have this, as their outer shells are already filled with electrons. Therefore they have no need to react with anything else, and that is why they are unreactive.

Are the most stable elements you the periodic table are found in the family of alkali metals?

The most stable elements are found in the Noble Gases, in group 8 or group 0. The most UNstable elements are found in the alkali metals.