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You have the right idea but your' kinda asking if a Chevy is more expensive than a Ford. In Guitars, just like cars, prices are all over the place. Both Fender and Gibson make good products, but there are a lot of manufacturers out there. Take these variables, in order of importance, into consideration when you start shopping for a guitar. #1 THE NECK, it's the heart of any guitar and you can't just pop on a new one! #2 the sound. #3 the feel of it in your hands. #4 features and aesthetics. When you find one that meets all of the requirements, you have your' first guitar. Good luck!!!

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Q: Which guitar is more expensive fender or les paul?
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Who invented the guitar Leo fender or Les Paul?

no. The first guitar goes back for along time, but cant be traced back farther than the 1500's. The first electric guitar was made by Adolph Rickenbacker, But this was a semi hollow body, meaning there were still sound holes like in acoustics. Eventually a man named Les Paul created the first Solid body guitar( obviously called the Les Paul), and Leo fender created one not long after him (called the Fender broadcaster, soon changed to stratocaster) I hope this helped

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No, he used a Fender Stratocasters (main guitar). when he was younger he did use one :D

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the first elctric guitar was invented by Les Paul, but mass produced by Leo Fender

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What is the most famous electric guitar?

The most famous brands or guitars are probably the fender stratocaster, fender telecaster, Les paul, Epiphone, Ibanez and Gibson

What is the best guitar in world?

The best guitar in the world is the guitar you feel most comfortable playing. Some people like Fender Strats or Gibson SG's. And other people like Fender Telecasters or Gibson Les Pauls. It just depends on what guitar YOU like.

When and where was the first electric guitar?

i dont know when or where but Les Paul invented it ============= No, he did not. The first electric guitar was the Rickenbacker Electro "Frying Pan", a Hawaiian guitar (lap steel), invented in 1931 and entering the market in 1932. Les Paul's "The Log" didn't come until later in the '30s, and had more influence on Gibson's later Les Paul and ES-335 models more than the first production solidbody electric guitar, the Fender Broadcaster (Telecaster).

Which guitar is good electro acoustic guitar or acoustic guitar?

The top acoustic electric guitars used by professional guitarists are Ephiphone and Gretsch. The actual top guitars are Epiphone Masterbilt EF-500RCCE Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar Natural Satin Gold and Gretsch G6122-1962 Chet Atkins Country Gentleman Electric Guitar.