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the ghost instructs hamlet to leave his mother alone, but hamlet confronts her anyway


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Q: Which of the following best paraphrases the Taint not thy mind nor let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught Leave her to heaven And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge To prick and sting her?
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In many religions, the concept of going to heaven alive is not a common belief. Typically, the transition to the afterlife is believed to occur after physical death. Spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and leading a virtuous life are often emphasized as ways to align oneself with divine principles and prepare for the afterlife.

How did Lucifer lose his job?

He was not allowed to stay in Heaven anymore. He was not allowed to stay in Heaven because he sinned against the Father by trying to become greater than God - to usurp Him in a battle in Heaven where he lost.

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The mandate of heaven is an ancient Chinese belief that the emperor was appointed by heaven to rule the people. According to the mandate of heaven, only just rulers are appointed and when a ruler becomes unjust, heaven supports revolts against them.

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In Luke's Gospel, Jesus went to heaven on the evening following his resurrection. In Acts of the Apostles, Jesus went to heaven forty days after his resurrection. In neither case, does it state where Thomas went.

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