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Q: Which of these types of intelligences is found in people who enjoy learning about plants and animals?
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What does scientists use to identify animals and plants?

a key source i am learning

Why do animals and people defend on plants?

because the people wants a plants and plants give oxygen to people and the they can eat the plants,the people can smell like animals.

What is gardener?

He developed a theory of multiple intelligences.

What is in the grasslands?


What does water do for the environment?

Water provides for people, animals and plants. Plants use it to grow and people and animals use it so they will not get dehydrated.

How do plants help support the life of the people?

People are "animals". Animals can not make their own food they have to eat other animals and or plants to survive. Plants can make their own food (from air, water and sunlight) - they are the basis of all food - without plants there could be no animals.

What kinds of animals are omnivore?

They are animals that eat both plants and other animals.

Why do animals and people depend on plants?

plants contain green pigment chlorophyll which has the ability to trap solar energy and to initiate the process of photosynthesis to produce food using raw materials water and CO2

How is sunlight useful to people plants and animals?

Sunlight is very useful to people, plants, and animals. Without sunlight the world would become too cold, it warms the earth. It helps plants to grow, this provides food for people, and animals.

How do centipedes affect people or plants or animals?

landslide can kill people,few plants grow on erosed soil,landslide can kill animals.

What is learning about just plants called?

learning about plants

What will happen to people and animals if their no plants?

They will die.