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George Herbert Walker Bush is the one.

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Q: Which president had four names
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What are the names president of Lincoln's four son?

President Lincoln's sons were Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas (Tad).i am not for sure but i know that won of them was named little Lincoln that as for sort though

How many presidents were murdered and what was their names?

Four United States presidents have been assassinated. Their names are Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy.

What are the Four names of soil?

The four names are soil, dirt, earth and ground.

How long are the president's and vice-president's terms?

The president and the vice president of the US are elected for four year terms. Elections are held every four years.

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There are no specific names for such a shape.

Did Abraham Lincoln have four sons?

Yes, he had four. Their names were Robert Todd Lincoln, Edward Lincoln, Willie Lincoln, and Tad Lincoln.

Four chord names in the ukulele?

There are a lot more than four chords but the string names are GCEA.

When the president is?

The President is elected every four years.

What is the term of office for a president?

Four years. A president can be re-elected once for another four years.

When is the president is elected?

The President is elected every four years.

What are the four of the president as outlined in article two?


What are the names of his four kids?

Who his?