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Green plants use a process called photosynthesis to make food from sunlight. Only green plants can make their own food. Other plants (like mushrooms) and animals do not make their own food, but get nutrition from green plants (or dead green plants). Animals do not make food from sunlight. If they could, they would not need to eat.

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Q: What process that plants and animals use sunlight to make food?
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How do plants and animals get food?

plants get there food through a process called photosynthesis where they take sunlight and water and pass it through a organ in there cells to make food hope it helped : )

Process by which plants make food from sunlight?


What is the difference between how plants use sunlight and how animals use sunlight?

plants use it for food while animals mainly use it for warmth

Why is sunlight important to animals?

because if they had no sunlight they wouldn't have the energy they need to use respiration in cells

Is grasshopper makes the food from sunlight?

no, only plants make food from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis.

How is sun energy the basis for many of the ocean's food chain?

Plants use energy from the sun to produce their food( gulcose) in a process called photosynthesis . When animals eat these plants , then other animals eat animals that eat those plants , there you have a life cycle that has the sun as a base source of energy.

Why is photosynthesis necessary for the world?

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants receive sunlight and transfer it into glucose (food for plants). Animals then eat the plant, then we eat the animals. Or if you're a vegetarian you will eat the plant(s). It's basically food for us.

What si photosyntinses?

a process which plants do in order for them to produce their own food. Plants use the sunlight in the process.

What process do plants use to make food from sunlight?


How is sunlight useful to people plants and animals?

Sunlight is very useful to people, plants, and animals. Without sunlight the world would become too cold, it warms the earth. It helps plants to grow, this provides food for people, and animals.

Why are sunlight and temperature important?

it is important toPLANTS to make there food and for ANIMALS to eat the plants and without the temp. and sunlight the animals cant eat the plants because the plants will be dead without sunlight and the right temp.