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It is not that they both grow from seeds or hatch from eggs. Now we got it narrowed down. The answer is that they both grow larger as they mature.

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Q: Which statement is true Both grow from seeds Both hatch from eggs Both grow larger as they mature or Both go through metamorphosis?
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Do moth go through a complete metamorphosis?

The bedbug does not go through the typical egg, larva, pupa, adult stages of complete metamorphosis. Instead, it hatches from the egg in a form resembling the adult, and goes through a number of feeding and dormant stages as it develops into a mature adult, so its metamorphosis is considered incomplete.

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What is meant by animal metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is the transformation of an immature larval individual into a sexually mature reproducing adult of very different form, structure and different habit of life.

What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis?

Incomplete metamorphosis has three stages, and complete metamorphosis has four or more stages.

Dosalamanders go through complete or incomplete metamorphosis?

Incomplete. From the time of hatching until adulthood, the salamander remains active, and never goes through an inactive "pupal" stage where complete metamorphosis would occur. Of course, some salamanders never undergo metamorphosis at all. Many, such as the axolotl and the mud puppy, retain larva-like features and an aquatic lifestyle throughout their lives. Others, such as the plethodonts (red-backed salamanders and their relatives) hatch from eggs laid on land, and are more or less in their adult form (though not sexually mature) from the moment of hatching.

What is the metamorphosis in the grasshopper life cycle called?

Incomplete or simple is the name for the metamorphosis in the grasshopper life cycle. Such a change between stages in life cycles and natural histories indicates that the immature and the mature stages resemble one another in recognizable ways. Eggs hatch into nymphs that are smaller-sized versions of adult female and male grasshoppers.

What is gradual metamorphosis?

Any metamorphosis involves an organism changing it's basic shape or "morphology." A sudden or abrupt metamorphosis is fast and dramatic...e.g. the change from a caterpilar into a butterfly. A gradual metamorphosis is one in which the organism experiences no abrupt transformation, but instead goes through stages that appear very similar to one another. This slow transformation is seen in most mammals, as well as reptiles, spiders, and a few precocial insects. When they hatch, precocial offspring appear and function very similarly to their adult counterparts. As they grow larger, they shed their exoskeleton, becoming more complex and mature with each molt--each of these stages is called an "instar"--but during its metamorphosis, it never changes it's basic form (i.e. it doesn't start out aquatic like a fish or tadpole, then grow lungs, like a frog or toad.always "looks like" a grasshopper.

Chamges that occur during amphibian metamorphosis?

During amphibian metamorphosis liver enzymes, hemoglobin, and eye pigments mature. In frogs and tadpoles, physical changes include losing the tail, horny teeth, and external gills. The hind legs and forelegs develop.

How do animals change as they mature?

Different animals undergo different changes as they grow it depends on the species. Some grow, some molt, and some change completely.

Do shark eat stingrays?

No, almost all mature sharks are larger than stingrays

What does it mean to have gone through puberty?

Going through puberty is the process in which children mature into adults. This means that you have become sexually mature and capable of reproduction.