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Thomas Jefferson won the 1800 presidential election defeating John Quincy Adams, Aaron Burr, Charles Pinckney, and John Jay. In 1800 electors voted for two individuals and did not distinguish between their presidential and vice-presidential choices until the passage of the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1803. The recipient of the most electoral votes in 1800 would become president and the runner-up vice-president. Thomas Jefferson received 73 electoral votes, his running-mate Aaron Burr received 73 electoral votes, John Quincy Adams received 65 electoral votes, Charles Pinckney received 64 electoral votes, and John Jay received 1 electoral vote. Although John Quincy Adams ran as Thomas Jefferson's main opponent in the general election, running-mates Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr received the same number of electoral votes. The election was decided in the House of Representatives, with 10 State delegations voting for Jefferson, 4 voting for Burr and 2 making no choice. Thomas Jefferson became President and his running-mate Aaron Burr became Vice President.

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Thomas Jefferson and running mate, Aaron Burr each received the same number of electoral votes in 1800. In those days, each elector cast two votes . One of the Jefferson supporters should have "wasted" his vote for Burr, but nobody did even though it was understood that Jefferson was running for president and Burr was his running mate. (They soon added the 12th amendment to the Constitution to change the voting system to make two separate elections for president and vice-president.) The tie sent the election to the House of Representatives to decide. Burr should have conceded, but he saw his chance to be President if some of the Adams people in the House would vote for him. After much debate and some deals. Jefferson eventually won in the House and became President.

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No. The tie in 1800 was between Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr.

In those days the was only one ballot cast by the electoral college and the second place finisher became vice-president.

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Q: Which two candidates received the identical in number of electoral votes in the election of 1800?
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