

John Quincy Adams

The 6th President of the United States from 1825 to 1829, he was the son of the 2nd US President.

662 Questions

What was the alleged corrupt bargain between Adams and clay for the presidency in 1824?

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The alleged corrupt bargain between Adams and Clay in the 1824 election refers to accusations that Henry Clay, who was eliminated from the election and later appointed as Secretary of State by John Quincy Adams, had made a deal to support Adams in exchange for the position. This led to Adams being elected as president despite not winning the popular vote or an electoral college majority.

Why did the jacksonian charge of a corrupt bargain to john Adams the presidency arise?

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The Jacksonians accused John Quincy Adams of striking a "corrupt bargain" with Henry Clay during the 1824 election, where Clay allegedly supported Adams in exchange for the position of Secretary of State. Jackson and his supporters claimed this backroom deal deprived him of the presidency, despite winning the popular vote. This accusation fueled Jackson's political attacks against Adams and contributed to the deepening divide between the Democratic-Republicans and the National Republicans.

Which president was victom of the corrupt bargain?

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The president who was involved in the Corrupt Bargain was John Quincy Adams, who was elected in 1824. The Corrupt Bargain refers to an alleged deal between Adams and Henry Clay to secure Adams' victory in the House of Representatives after no candidate received a majority in the electoral college.

Those who accused John Quincy Adams of a corrupt bargain maintained the he did what?

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Those who accused John Quincy Adams of a corrupt bargain alleged that he made a deal with Henry Clay to secure the presidency in the 1824 election. It was believed that Clay, as Speaker of the House, used his influence to help Adams win the presidency in exchange for a position in Adams' cabinet.

Who was said to have made a corrupt bargain with John Quincy Adams?

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Henry Clay was said to have made a corrupt bargain with John Quincy Adams during the 1824 presidential election, in which Clay supported Adams in exchange for being appointed as Secretary of State. This alleged arrangement was one of the factors that contributed to Andrew Jackson's victory in the 1828 election.

Was there any wars when John Quincy Adams was president?

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No, there were no major wars during John Quincy Adams' presidency (1825-1829). However, there were ongoing conflicts and border disputes between Native American tribes and settlers during this time, particularly in the Western frontier. Adams also faced diplomatic challenges, negotiating treaties and addressing tensions with Britain and Spain.

What names were John Quincy Adams wives?

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Married: Louisa Catherine Johnson (1775-1852), on July 26, 1797
Children: George Washington Adams (1801-29); John Adams (1803-34); Charles Francis Adams (1807-86); Louisa Catherine Adams (1811-12)

What position did John Quincy Adams take before becoming president?

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Before becoming president, John Quincy Adams served as the United States Secretary of State under President James Monroe from 1817 to 1825.

Why did Andrew Jackson defeat John Quincy Adams so dramatically in the 1828 election?

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Andrew Jackson's victory over John Quincy Adams in the 1828 election can be attributed to a few key factors. Jackson presented himself as a champion of the common people, while Adams was seen as out of touch and elitist. Additionally, Jackson's use of grassroots campaigning and his focus on appealing to the rural and western voters helped secure his victory. Finally, Jackson's portrayal of Adams as corrupt and his ability to tap into the growing anti-establishment sentiment of the time also contributed to his dramatic win.

Children of John Quincy Adams?

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John Quincy Adams had four children: George Washington Adams, John Adams II, Charles Francis Adams Sr., and Louisa Catherine Adams.

Did John Quincy Adams serve in the in the military?

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No. Adams was a diplomat, not a soldier.

Why was John Quincy Adams nickname Old Man Eloquent?

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He served for seventeen years in Congress, which earned him the name "Old Man Eloquent".

Was Dorthy Quincy Hancock related to John Quincy Adams?

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Dorothy Quincy Hancock was related to Abigail Adams (whose maiden name comes from the Quincy family)-

Dorothy Quincy is the wife of John Hancock

Abigail Adams is the wife of John Adams and the mother of John Quincy Adams

(John Adams and John Hancock were both friends of each other and friends of the Quincy household who each married a member (far relatives) of the Quincy household)

Click on links at the bottom of the page for more information.

Has John Quincy Adams won any awards?

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There are no known awards won by John Quincy Adams as far as written public records show. Unless winning presidency counts.

Why was John Quincy Adams a bad president?

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John Adams was chosen by the House because no candidate got a majority of the electoral vote. He finished second in both electoral and popular votes to Andrew Jackson. He appointed Henry Clay as his Secretary of State and it looked as if a deal had been struck since the states that Clay had won cast their votes in the House for Adams. Jackson supporters were furious and took steps to make sure that Jackson won the next election. One of their steps was to constantly attack Adams both in newspaper editorial and in pamphlets passed out on the streets.

Is John Quincy Adams' face on any bill or coin?

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John Quincy Adams appeared on a $1 coin minted in 2008. It was part of the Presidential dollars series that features all former presidents who are no longer living.

What was John Quincy Adams' legacy?

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Well, his father, John Adams, was the 2nd president of the united states. So he wanted to be president also. He wasn't the smartest president that ran the country and he kinda started the depression.

Why did the house of representatives John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson?

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Because those States supporting Adams and those supporting Henry Clay (who had now allied with Adams) formed a majority of Congressional State delegations. Had Clay allied with Andrew Jackson, their combined support would have been one state short of a majority, so that unless an additional state changed its vote, Inauguration Day 1825 would have arrived with no President chosen, and Vice President-elect John C Calhoun would have become President.

Which states outside New England did John Quincy Adams win electoral votes?

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In the 1824 presidential election an individual needed to receive at least 131 electoral votes out of the 261 total electoral votes. Andrew Jackson received 99 electoral votes, John Quincy Adams received 84 electoral votes, William Crawford received 41 electoral votes, and Henry Clay received 37 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Andrew Jackson 151,271 (42.9%), John Quincy Adams 113,122 (32.1%), Henry Clay 47,531 (13.5%), and William Crawford 40,856 (11.6%). Since no candidate received the required majority of 131 electoral votes, the president was elected by the U.S. House of Representatives in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution. John Quincy Adams won the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president, with each state delegation casting one vote Adams was elected President on February 9, 1825, on the first ballot, with 13 states, followed by Jackson with 7, and Crawford with 4. Adams received votes from the New England states Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and other states Illinois, Louisiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New York, and Ohio. Jackson received votes from Alabama, Indiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Crawford received votes from Delaware, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

What was John Quincy Adams favorite sport?

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John Quincy Adams liked to bathe nude in the Potomac.

swimming, billiard, reading, observing nature, domesticating wild plants, walking, horse back riding, and fine wines

Was John Quincy Adams a vice president?

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NO. John Q. Adams was never the Vice-president. He was Secretary of State under Monroe and served in the House of Representatives as well as holding diplomatic posts. His father, John Adams was the vice-president for 2 terms under Washington.

Where did John Quincy Adams receive his schooling?

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President John Quincy Adams received a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard, as well as a Master of Arts degree. He was interested in Greek philosophy, but what he studied is not known.

Groucho Marx played Professor Quincy Adams Wagstaff in?

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Groucho Marx portrayed the character Quincy Adams Wagstaff in the 1932 film, Horse Feathers. The movie was directed by Norman Z. McLeod.

What was unique about John Quincy Adams election to the presidency?

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He was elected by the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College.