

John Adams

John Adams is the US’s second president (1797-1801), and its first vice-president. He died on July 4, 1826, the same day Thomas Jefferson died, which was also the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

1,755 Questions

What was the Adam's apple named after?

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the Adams apple is named as so because biblicaly in the story of Adam and eve when Adam ate the apple some of it got stuck down his throat so all men hav a ball in there throat known as the larynx and if you touch it, it feels like an apple so that is why its called that hope i helped

What was the alleged corrupt bargain between Adams and clay for the presidency in 1824?

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The alleged corrupt bargain between Adams and Clay in the 1824 election refers to accusations that Henry Clay, who was eliminated from the election and later appointed as Secretary of State by John Quincy Adams, had made a deal to support Adams in exchange for the position. This led to Adams being elected as president despite not winning the popular vote or an electoral college majority.

Why did the jacksonian charge of a corrupt bargain to john Adams the presidency arise?

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The Jacksonians accused John Quincy Adams of striking a "corrupt bargain" with Henry Clay during the 1824 election, where Clay allegedly supported Adams in exchange for the position of Secretary of State. Jackson and his supporters claimed this backroom deal deprived him of the presidency, despite winning the popular vote. This accusation fueled Jackson's political attacks against Adams and contributed to the deepening divide between the Democratic-Republicans and the National Republicans.

Which French foreign minister refused to see the US commissioners sent by President Adams unless they first paid a bribe?

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Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, refused to see the US commissioners unless they paid a bribe. This incident became known as the XYZ Affair and strained relations between the United States and France.

How did john Adams respond to the story about three french agents who demanded a bribe and a loan for France?

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John Adams refused to pay the bribe and loan, viewing it as an attempt at bribery by the French agents. He reported the incident to Congress, leading to the XYZ Affair and escalating tensions between the United States and France.

Which phrase did newspaper writer John O'Sullivan use to state his belief in the right of the US to grow larger?

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John O'Sullivan used the phrase "Manifest Destiny" in an 1845 article to express his belief in the expansion of the United States across the North American continent. He argued that it was inevitable and divinely ordained for the US to spread its institutions and values westward.

Is the New York Times republican or democrat?

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The New York Times is generally seen as a center-left publication, aligning more closely with Democratic perspectives on many issues. However, it strives to maintain journalistic integrity and provide balanced coverage of various viewpoints.

Is Anthony Spaeth from Time magazine a Democrat or Republican?

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I do not have access to current or personal information about individuals, including their political affiliations. It is best to research public statements or profiles if available.

What is the name of john Adams home?

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Peacefield, sometimes called Braintree, in Quincy Massachussetts

not Montecello, that's Thomas Jeffersons second home in France

Why is Bryan Adams famous?

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Bryan Adams is famous for his successful music career as a singer-songwriter. He is known for his memorable hits like "Summer of '69" and "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You," which gained him international recognition and success. He has sold millions of albums worldwide and has won numerous awards for his contributions to music.

What did sam Adams and John Adams do?

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Sam Adams was a political activist and one of the key figures in organizing the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. He played a crucial role in advocating for independence from Britain. John Adams, on the other hand, was a lawyer, diplomat, and founding father who served as the second President of the United States. He played a significant role in negotiating the Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War and helped establish the foundation of the new American government.

What inspired David McCullough to write a biography of John Adams?

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David McCullough was inspired to write a biography of John Adams because he believed Adams had been overlooked by history despite his significant contributions to the American Revolution and the early years of the United States. McCullough also found Adams to be a fascinating and complex individual worth exploring in-depth. Additionally, McCullough was drawn to Adams' deep love and partnership with his wife Abigail, which added an emotional and personal aspect to the story.

What did John McCarthur do?

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John MacArthur is an American pastor and author known for his influential teaching and preaching ministry. He has served as the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. MacArthur is also the author of numerous books on theology, biblical exposition, and Christian living.

What did the democratic- republic party propose to do about the abusive laws passed by John Adams?

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The Democratic-Republican Party, led by Thomas Jefferson, proposed to repeal the Alien and Sedition Acts that were passed by John Adams. They argued that these laws violated the First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly. Jefferson and his party believed in limiting the power of the federal government and protecting individual rights and liberties.

What is Adam carolla's net worth?

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As of 2021, Adam Carolla's net worth is estimated to be around $40 million. Carolla is a television and radio personality, comedian, and podcast host known for co-hosting the radio show "Loveline" and hosting "The Adam Carolla Show" podcast. He has had a successful career in entertainment, including hosting various TV shows and writing books, which has contributed to his overall wealth.

Why did Adams puesue peace with the France following the XYZ affair?

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Adams pursued peace with France following the XYZ affair because he believed it was in the best interest of the United States. He wanted to avoid war and maintain positive relations with France, which was a powerful European nation. Adams also hoped that by negotiating a peaceful resolution, he could prevent further damage to American trade and maritime interests.

Why were Federalists shocked by Adams first goal as president?

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The Federalists were shocked by Adams' first goal as president because he sought to improve relations with France and avoid a war, which went against the prevailing anti-French sentiment among Federalists. They believed that France posed a threat to American interests and that a strong stance against the French was necessary. Adams' pursuit of diplomacy with France was viewed as a betrayal of their principles and caused discontent among many Federalists.

What is one topic John Muir writes about in our national parks?

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John Muir writes about how trees, which are helpless, must be protected from fools.

What document used this theory to fight the Alien and Sedition Acts?

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The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 used the theory of nullification to fight against the Alien and Sedition Acts. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the resolutions argued that states had the right to declare federal laws unconstitutional and nullify them within their borders. This theory was based on the idea of states' rights and was seen as a way to protect individual liberties from federal overreach.

How old were President John Adam's children when they died?

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John Adams had four children: Abigail, John Quincy, Susanna, and Charles. Abigail (Nabby) Adams Smith died at the age of 48. John Quincy Adams lived the longest, passing away at the age of 80. Susanna Adams Thaxter died at the age of 76, and Charles Adams died at the age of 79.

What happened that led John Adams to increase the judiciary before he left the office?

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One major event that led John Adams to increase the judiciary before leaving office was the controversial Judiciary Act of 1801. This act, also known as the Midnight Judges Act, was passed in the final days of Adams' presidency and aimed to pack the federal courts with his Federalist allies. Adams believed that by appointing more judges he could solidify Federalist influence in the judiciary branch, which was increasingly dominated by the Democratic-Republican Party.

What committee did John Adams serve in?

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John Adams served on various committees during his political career, but one of the most significant committees he served in was the Committee of Five. This committee was responsible for drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and Adams played a pivotal role in its creation.

What document did John Adams sign on March 4 1789?

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On March 4, 1789, John Adams signed the presidential oath of office. He was inaugurated as the second President of the United States, succeeding George Washington.

What jobs did john Adams have?

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John Adams had multiple jobs throughout his career. He worked as a lawyer, diplomat, and political theorist. He also served as a member of the Continental Congress, commissioner to France, ambassador to the Netherlands, and Vice President of the United States before becoming the second President of the United States.

How old was John Adams when he died?

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He was 91 years old. He was born on October 30th, 1735 and he died at July 4th, 1826.