

Canada in WW2

Questions regarding Canada's participation in World War 2, in both the European and Pacific theaters of the war.

895 Questions

What is NORAD?

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NORAD stands for North American Aerospace Defense Command. It is a joint military organization of the United States and Canada responsible for aerospace warning and control of North American airspace. NORAD is best known for its role in tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

In what matter does individuality and identity become essential in a conformist world?

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Asked by Adr22367

Individuality and identity become essential in a conformist world as they allow people to express their unique thoughts, beliefs, and values. Through individuality, one can maintain a sense of self and stand out from the crowd, fostering creativity and innovation. Embracing one's identity in a conformist society can also challenge societal norms and encourage others to think differently.

What is the basement of Canada?

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The basement of Canada is where the Canadian Shield is located, a large geological formation composed of ancient rock that covers a significant portion of the country. This region is characterized by its rugged terrain, numerous lakes, and rich mineral deposits.

How do we get solar power?

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Hey there! Great question about solar energy! So, solar energy comes from the sun. Did you know that the sun sends out a lot of energy in the form of light and heat? We can capture this energy using special panels called solar panels. These panels are usually placed on the roof of a house where they can soak up the sunlight.

Now, once these solar panels capture the sunlight, they turn it into electricity through a process called photovoltaics. This electricity can then be used to power things in our homes, like lights, TVs, computers, and more!

To utilize solar energy at home, you would first need to install solar panels on your roof. These panels are connected to an inverter, which converts the electricity from the panels into a usable form for your home. The electricity generated by the solar panels can either be used directly by your household appliances or stored in batteries for later use, especially when the sun isn't shining.

By using solar energy at home, you can reduce your reliance on traditional electricity sources that produce greenhouse gases. It's a clean and renewable way to power your home while also helping the environment.

Isn't it cool that we can use sunlight to power our homes? If you're interested in learning more, you can explore how solar energy works and maybe even consider how you can use it in the future!

What was Canada's population during World War 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

The population of Canada was approximately 11,250,000 when Canada entered WW2 1939, and increased to a little more than 12,000,000 by the end of the war in 1945.

The highest was 11.95 million people in 1944, the lowest was 11.27 million people in 1939.

(In 1929 Canada's population reached 10,000,000 for the first time in history - it reached 10,029,000 by the end of the year. In 1939 the population of Canada was 11,267,000 approx; 1940: 11,382,000 approx; 1941: 11,507,000 approx; 1942: 11,654,000 approx; 1943: 11,795,000 approx; 1944: 11,946,000 approx; and in 1945: 12,072,000 approx).

Do people die every ten seconds?

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On average, around 55 million people die each year worldwide, which translates to approximately two people dying every second. This means that it is likely that more than two people die every ten seconds. However, the exact number can vary depending on the specific time frame and other factors.

How many people die each second from hunger?

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Asked by Wiki User

about 5 people die each second from hunger. now tell me how many were shot down by the guard tower each day

Answeri have been doing a report over Hitler and i think he killed about 5 a second Answeractually, 25000 die every day.

doing the calculation, it would be ONE person every 5 seconds (0.2 people per second)
About 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every four seconds. It is children who diemost often.

Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone and many other people are dying from malnutrition but who are overweight as they do not eat healthily. They are eating a macro nutrient diet which is a diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Overweight and particularly obese people are often not eating enough micro nutrients. These nutrients are vitamins and minerals found in vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Unlike macronutrients, you only need them in trace amounts. Hence the prefix, "micro". Without these nutrients the body can grow and move, but its functionality will suffer tremendously. It can even cause severe sickness and death.

Then there are phyto-nutrients which like micronutrients are only consumed in very small amounts. They are found in bright fruits and vegetables. This is basically what provides those foods with its bright colors. Phytonutrients are not really a necessity because you won't die from a deficiency.

Your body obviously needs a certain amount of vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients. Some experts are starting to think that if you eat lots of calorie dense foods that are low in these nutrients, your body will tell you to keep eating until you get what you need. In other words, if you don't eat foods with enough good nutritional value, your body will have a harder time sensing when it has had enough.

The bottom line is that it is very possible to be overweight and still be malnourished. It simply comes down to the ratio of macro-nutrients to micro and phyto-nutrients that you consume. If you only focus on how many calories you are consuming, chances are you aren't getting enough vitamins and minerals. Not getting enough of those nutrients can cause you to be malnourished, no matter what you look like.

An alarming symptom of this problem is the 80 million Americans are diabetic, or pre-diabetic and this number is growing each year.

So the United Nations figures excludes excludes the overweight and obese people who are also dying from a different kind of hunger. A hunger that they are trying to feed by eating more and getting fatter.

Why do people grimace just before they die?

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Grimacing before death may be due to a reflexive response as the body experiences pain or discomfort. This reflex can occur as a result of changes in muscle control and nerve activity, as the body begins to shut down. It is believed to be a physical response and is not necessarily an indication of conscious thought or emotion.

How far is newmarket Ontario to Toronto Ontario?

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Newmarket, Ontario is approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Toronto, Ontario. The driving distance between the two cities is typically around 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on traffic conditions.

Why does Canadian bacon taste like ham?

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Canadian bacon, also known as back bacon, is made from the pork loin, which is a lean and tender cut of meat. Its taste is similar to ham because both are made from pork, but Canadian bacon is typically less salty and has a milder flavor. Additionally, the processing and curing methods used to make Canadian bacon can contribute to its ham-like taste.

What countries did Canada declare war against?

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During World War II, Canada declared war against Germany on September 10, 1939. Additionally, Canada also declared war against Japan on December 7, 1941, following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

What is a URL website?

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It stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Something like When enterred into, say, a browser, I believe it is the DNS server that translates it into an IP address, such as Poke around for more.

Canada after World War 1?

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Asked by Wiki User

The economy did well, there was a lot of employment and a lot of work to be done, like building bomb shells and ammo for the war. The women got to do some of the mens jobs when the men were off to war. Overall the economy was great and there was a high demand for wheat since the wheat prices went up in Canada at the time.

Camps in Canada during World War 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

As much as I know there were no Concetraition Camps in Canada, that is a stupid quetion if I have ever heard one.


There were 26 Internment Camps established in Canada which held Japanese Italian and German Canadians. More than 30,000 were affected by these camps including 100 Canadian Communists. Forty Prisoner of War Camps were set up for 33,798 German and Italian POW's and 6,437 Civil Internees (mostly Merchant Marine).

Please note Internment Camps and Concentration Camps are NOT the same thing. Canada not have concentration camps.

Side note: the fact that you spelled question wrong leads me to doubt you. :D lol, jk, probably a mistake.

What are the pros and cons of going to counseling?

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the pros and cons of going to counseling is that you can have someone to talk to and share how you feel... also counseling doesnt make you feel lonely. the con about going to counsaeling is that you feel like a idiot and like a freak... also it takes up your time with all those dumb questions they ask you..

What were the battles in Europe Africa Japan and the Pacific of World War 2?

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The closest land battles fought to Japan, were Okinawa and Iwo Jima; that closeness is what caused the fierceness of the fighting. There were many aerial battles (air to air combat/dog-fights) over Japan; but NO land battles.

How far is Toronto from Barbados?

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The flight time from freezing cold Toronto in Canada to swelteringly hot Barbados is approximately 5 hours.

The total distance is approximately 3882.30 km or 2412 miles.

This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.

How did Canada become involved in Afghanistan?

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In 2001, after the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, the U.S. government demanded that the Taliban (at the time the government of Afghanistan) to hand over Osama bin Laden, the head of al Qaeda the terrorist organization that carried out the attacks. The Taliban essentially refused and the U.S., with the sanction of both NATO and the UN, invaded and aided rebel factions which had been fighting the Taliban for several years. In less than 30 days, by November, 2001, the Taliban had been ousted from power. Canadian soldiers, specifically the commandos of our special forces unit Joint Task Force 2, were in Afghanistan from the very beginning. In 2002 a battlegroup from 3rd battalion PPCLI was sent to Kandahar to aid in hunting down remnants of the Taliban and al Qaeda. In 2003, Canada began participating in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul and sent more than 1,000 soldiers at a time on 6-month rotations to the Afghan capital. In 2006, Canada agreed to send a battle group and brigade headquarters to Kandahar for the transition from U.S. control (operation enduring freedom) to NATO control (ISAF) and has maintained a fighting presence there ever since. Canadian troops are responsible for security and fighting Taliban insurgents in Kandahar province, in cooperation with British, Dutch and other coalition forces.

How long can a Canadian stay out of Canada?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can stay up to six months in Australia with out a job or a work program

As long as you have permission [ a visa ] to travel as a tourist or reside as a registered alien in some countries.

Myself, I have been living out of Canada [ in Southeast Asia ] for about eleven years, and have recently met a Canadian citizen who had been employed by Walt Disney Studios as a cartoonist for almost 30 years, and is now retired and living in Las Vegas, Nevada.

He is still a Canadian citizen because he has never applied for American citizenship, in the 40 years he has lived and worked outside of Canada.

Was ther a draft in Canada in world war 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, Canada provided many spies for the allies, and provided a very important service. Canada had camp X where almost all of the Canadian and British spies were trained, and Canadian spies were located in almost every European country where they aided the resistance, destroyed German supplies, and damaged transportation routes.

So yes, Canada had spies in WW2! bvfyud fyubvgjnhyzxtgdbvgju 5yu7

How many children were evacuated to Canada during world war 2?

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Asked by Peh200

Alot because no one wanted to be in World War 2 but many of the loved ones were sad depressed even!:(

Who had the biggest armies in world war 2?

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In the entire history of the world... I would have to go with the Roman Empire.

How did the economy change in Canada during World War 2?

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First of all, it influenced theJewish civilians around Europe very much so and in general war weariness all around the world. People in England lived every day in fear of being bombed or gassed. They even had to carry around gas masks. The civilians on both sides were forced to produce materials of war and were taken away to supply a steady stream of soldiers to replace the many casualties. Almost all the government's decisions influenced civilian life during that time, for most of the government's decisions were military based. I hope this helps