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Heat and Alkenes

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Q: Which two things are needed to crack hydrocarbons?
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Cracking long-chained hydrocarbons produces what two things?

Cracking long-chained hydrocarbons produces two things which include alkenes and alkanes(shorter chains), including hydrogen through catalytic cracking.

What are two conditions needed to crack paraffin?

a catalyst and high pressure

What two hydrocarbons are used to make plastics?

What two hydrocarbons are used to make plastic

What two classes are hydrocarbons divided into?

Hydrocarbons are aliphatic and aromatics.

What happened to the hexane to produce ethane?

It loses two hydrocarbons and creates a double bond (between the carbons).

What is the crack in Dr. who?

It is a crack in time and space, created by the Doctors TARDIS exploding. The crack appears in many places, and removes things from time itself. It can also act as a wormwhole between two places.

What are two things needed in respiration?

Glucose and oxygen

What are the roots for hydrocarbons containing two three and four carbon atoms?

These hydrocarbons are ethane, propane, butane.

What two things are needed to create fraternal twins?

Two eggs and Two Sperm.

What two elements are in hydrocarbons?

Hydrogen and carbon.

What was the two things they needed for the castle?

They needed a keep because that was the strongest part of the castle and the portculis.

What are two things that are needed to grow tobacco?

soil and sunlight