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Loose monetary policy

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Q: Which type of policy would the federal reserve use if the economy were entering a contractionary phase of the business cycle?
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Which type of policy would the federal reserve use if the economy were entering a recession?

loose monetary policy

What type of policy is the government undertaking when they raise taxes and.or reduce federal expenditures?

The government is undertaking a contractionary policy.

Would my business qualify for free federal taxes?

Your business may very well qualify for free federal taxes. The government has free federal tax incentives in place to help big and small businesses grow. This stimulates the economy and is good for every one.

What was president Warren G. Hardings attitude toward business?

Harding. thought business was good for the economy and so was good for the country. He therefore believed the federal government should not discourage business with high taxes or undue regulation and restrictions.

What defines the business cycle?

the preferred mode of transport for ecologically aware business owners a system of managing the economy by increasing or decreasing the supply of money a recurring cycle of booms and busts, recoveries and recessions a system of managing the economy by increasing or decreasing federal expenditures

Which type of policy is controlled by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve?

Well, if by "the federal reserve", you mean the federal reserve bank, then there are two types of policies. These are expansionary and contractionary monetary policies. In times of recession, The FED uses expansionary policies such as increasing the money supply by buying bonds, lowering the discount rate, and lowering reserve requirements.In times of over expansion, The FED uses contractionary policies such as decreasing the money supply by selling bonds, raising the discount rate, and raising reserve requirements.

What new federal agencies increased the government's power to regulate the economy?

The new federal agencies that increased the government's power to regulate the economy is the federal banking system. This has made it possible to monitor and control the economy of the country.

What did the Marshall Court ruling that supported the sanctity of the contracts end federal law over state law boost?

a national economy and a strong federal government

How does businesscontribute to economic development?

Business contribute to economic development by paying taxes. Both employer and employees contribute to federal and state taxes. Small business companies also help with taxes and by providing more jobs for the economy.

With what indicators is macroeconomics concerned?

Macroeconomics, the study of the behaviors and activities of the economy as a whole, looks at such areas as the Federal Reserve System, unemployment, gross domestic product, and business cycles.

How did Jackson's actions hurt the economy?

Jackson removed federal funds from the Bank of the United States. The forced them to call in loans they had made, which hurt business in the Northeast and brought on a recession.

Where can a person go to look up federal business opportunities?

In order to be able to participate in federal business opportunities, business owners must meet a large number of requirements and regulations. You can find these requirements, as well as a list of federal business projects and opportunities at the Federal Business Opportunities website, which is operated by the federal government and has extensive explanations.