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If you give me two sealed cartons, one with 2 pounds of bricks in it and the other

with 2 pounds of feathers in it, there's no way I can use a scale to tell which is

which, because their weights are the same.

Do you think maybe a truck doesn't need such a large engine to carry a ton of

feathers as it needs to carry a ton of bricks ?

2 pounds of bricks, 2 pounds of feathers, 2 pounds of mud, corn flakes, uranium,

dog fur, newspaper, pencils, gasoline, onions, cotton swabs, salt, ballpoint pens,

tomatoes, cat litter, red paint, potting soil, purple yarn, wrapping paper, tea bags,

junk mail, cellphones, toilet paper, helium, dollar bills, laundry soap, bus tokens, or

instant coffee all weigh exactly the same.

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12y ago
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9y ago

They are the same weight, but different volume.

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10y ago

2 pounds weigh the same as 2 pounds.

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Q: Which weighs more 2 pounds of brick or 2 pounds of feathers?
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Which weighs more a ton a brick or a tone of feathers?

a brick

Brick or chesse of feathers which one weighs more?

One kilogram of brick weighs as much as one kilogram of feathers. (I do not know what a "chesse of feathers" is...)

Which weighs more a pound brick or feathers?

They weigh the same.

What weighs more 2 pounds of feathers or 2 pounds of bricks?

they are the same

What weighs more a 100 feathers or a gold brick?

It depends on what sort of feathers e.g peacock or pigeon. And it depends on the size of the brick but I would say the gold brick would be heavier. Hope this helps! :)

Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of brick?

Each of them has the same weight . . . one pound.

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They both weigh 2567 pounds.

If you have 5 pounds of nickels and 5 pounds of feathers which one weighs more?

They weigh the same!

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They both weigh the same.

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They weigh the same they are both 100 pounds....

Which weighs more 3 pounds of apples or 50 oz of feathers?

Feathers. The feathers would weigh 3 and 1/8th pounds while the apples only weigh 3 pounds.

What wieghs more 100 pounds of brick or 100 pounds of feathers?

They weight exactly the same amount. Of course its going to take more feathers to make 100 lbs so the feathers are going to have a greater mass.