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Nelly Dean is the narrator in Wuthering Heights, telling her story to Lockwood. She was the maid of Catherine, Hindley, and Heathcliff when they were young and followed Catherine when she married Edgar Linton to his house, Thrushcross Grange.

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Q: Who is Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights?
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What is the function of Nelly dean in Wuthering Heights?

Nelly Dean is the narrator and housekeeper in "Wuthering Heights" who serves as a confidante and observer of the characters' lives. She provides insight into the complicated relationships and events that unfold at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Nelly's perspective shapes the storytelling and helps to reveal the motivations and emotions of the characters.

What character complains the least in Wuthering Heights?

Nelly Dean complains the least in "Wuthering Heights." She is the housekeeper and narrator of the story, and often acts as a mediator or observer rather than expressing complaints.

Language in Wuthering Heights?

The language in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë is known for its intense, poetic style that captures the passionate and tumultuous emotions of the characters. The novel features rich descriptions of the moors, as well as complex dialogue that conveys themes of love, revenge, and betrayal. Brontë's use of vivid imagery and robust vocabulary adds depth to the haunting and atmospheric narrative.

What is Nelly Dean and Lockwood's relationship?

In Wuthering Heights Nelly Dean is the housekeeper at Thrushcross Grange where Lockwood is staying. She re-counts the story of Heathcliff and Cathy's love affair, having grown up with them as their servant.

Who attended Catherine's funeral in wuthering heights?

At Catherine's funeral in "Wuthering Heights," the attendees were Heathcliff, Nelly Dean, Joseph, and a few servants. Edgar Linton arrives later, but he is not present during the actual funeral procession.

Who were the main characters in Wuthering Heights?

Heathcliffe, Catherine, Edgar Linton, Nellie Dean, Lockwood, Mr and Mrs Earnshaw

What is the role of the two narrators in Wuthering Heights?

The two narrators in "Wuthering Heights," Mr. Lockwood and Nelly Dean, provide different perspectives on the events in the novel. Mr. Lockwood introduces the story and acts as an outsider looking in, while Nelly Dean, as a servant and confidante to the characters, offers an insider's view into the tumultuous relationships and events that unfold at Wuthering Heights. Their narratives help to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics between the characters in the story.

What information is lockwood seeking and from whom does he try to get it wuthering heights?

Lockwood seeks information about the residents of Wuthering Heights from the housekeeper, Nelly Dean. He tries to get information about the mysterious inhabitants of the house, particularly Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Nelly provides Lockwood with details about the tumultuous history of the residents and their relationships.

How was Nelly able to find out how young Linton was doing at Wuthering Heights?

Nelly learned about Linton through the housekeeper at Wuthering Heighs

When Edgar had gone where did Nelly finally locate Cathy?

at wuthering heights

How was Nelly able to find out how Linton was doing at Wuthering Heights?

Nelly learned about Linton through the housekeeper at Wuthering Heighs

What is the name of Nelly's twin sister in Wuthering Heights?

she doesn't have a twin sister.